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Piyush Harsh edited this page 1 year ago


Welcome to the open source, community version of Cyclops billing engine specially designed for High Performance Supercomputing centers.


https://lexis-project.eu/web/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/eu_flag.jpg Cyclops flavor for HPC centers has been made possible through generous funding by European Commission via LEXIS project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 825532.

Key features of the billing engine

Cyclops4HPC has been designed keeping in mind specific requirements of HPC centers, in principal, the ability to account and bill all cloud and HPC resources - including IaaS as well as PaaS platforms.

The Cyclops billing engine supports total accounting of all resources provided by OpenStack IaaS cloud, as well as HPC compute resources managed by the HEAppE framework. Support for Kubernetes resource accounting is coming soon.

HPC specific features are -

  • Support for usage metrics extraction from HEAppE via HEAppE collector
  • Credit manager service - which allows for tracking of allocated and available HPC resources as a control mechanism
  • Support for several OpenStack and HEAppE projects aggregation within the same user organization level
  • Fine grained resource usage tracking as well as cost tracking on a per resource / resource-group / account level.


In order to support future needs of an HPC center from the offered services perspective, Cyclops4HPC is designed in a modular manner. Any future service integration needs can be easily supported by simply developing additional collectors which will feed in resource accounting data metrics into the engine.