Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.

295 lines
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package bundleManager
import (
l ""
const (
statusDuplicated = iota
// BundleManager is the struct defined to group and contain all the methods
// that interact with the bundle subsystem.
// Parameters:
// - basePath: a string with the base path of the system.
// - db: a DbParameter reference to be able to use the DBManager methods.
// - monit: a StatusManager reference to be able to use the status subsystem methods.
type BundleManager struct {
basePath string
db *dbManager.DbParameter
monit *statusManager.StatusManager
// New is the function to create the struct BundleManager.
// Parameters:
// - DbParameter: reference pointing to the DbParameter that allows the interaction
// with the DBManager methods.
// - StatusParameter: reference poining to the StatusManager that allows the
// interaction with the StatusManager methods.
// - bp: a string containing the base path of the service.
// Returns:
// - BundleManager: struct to interact with BundleManager subsystem functionalities.
func New(db *dbManager.DbParameter, monit *statusManager.StatusManager, bp string) *BundleManager {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] Generating new bundleManager.\n")
return &BundleManager{
basePath: bp,
db: db,
monit: monit,
// CreateSkuBundle (Swagger func) is the function behind the (POST) endpoint /bundle
// Its job is to add a new bundle to the system.
func (m *BundleManager) CreateSkuBundle(ctx context.Context, params bundle_management.CreateSkuBundleParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] CreateSkuBundle endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.monit.APIHit("bundle", callTime)
id, state, e := m.db.CreateSkuBundle(params.Bundle)
if e != nil {
s := "Problem creating the new Bundle: " + e.Error()
errorReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "500", "method": "POST", "route": "/sku/bundle"}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewCreateSkuBundleInternalServerError().WithPayload(&errorReturn)
if state == statusDuplicated {
s := "The Bundle already exists in the system."
conflictReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "409", "method": "POST", "route": "/sku/bundle"}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewCreateSkuBundleConflict().WithPayload(&conflictReturn)
link := m.basePath + "/sku/bundle/" + id
createdReturn := models.ItemCreatedResponse{
ID: id,
Link: link,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "201", "method": "POST", "route": "/sku/bundle"}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewCreateSkuBundleCreated().WithPayload(&createdReturn)
// GetSkuBundle (Swagger func) is the function behind the (GET) endpoint /bundle/{id}
// Its job is to retrieve the bundle linked to the provided id.
func (m *BundleManager) GetSkuBundle(ctx context.Context, params bundle_management.GetSkuBundleParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] GetSkuBundle endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.monit.APIHit("bundle", callTime)
bundle, e := m.db.GetSkuBundle(params.ID)
if e != nil {
s := "Problem retrieving the Bundle from the system: " + e.Error()
errorReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "500", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleInternalServerError().WithPayload(&errorReturn)
if bundle != nil {
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleOK().WithPayload(bundle)
s := "The Bundle doesn't exists in the system."
missingReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleNotFound().WithPayload(&missingReturn)
// GetSkuBundleByName (Swagger func) is the function behind the (GET) endpoint
// /bundle/name/{name}
// Its job is to retrieve the bundle provided the name of the bundle.
func (m *BundleManager) GetSkuBundleByName(ctx context.Context, params bundle_management.GetSkuBundleByNameParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] GetSkuBundleByName endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.monit.APIHit("bundle", callTime)
bundle, e := m.db.GetSkuBundleByName(params.Name)
if e != nil {
s := "Problem retrieving the Bundle from the system: " + e.Error()
errorReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "500", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/name/" + params.Name}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleByNameInternalServerError().WithPayload(&errorReturn)
if bundle != nil {
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/name/" + params.Name}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleByNameOK().WithPayload(bundle)
s := "The Bundle doesn't exists in the system."
missingReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle/name/" + params.Name}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewGetSkuBundleByNameNotFound().WithPayload(&missingReturn)
// ListSkuBundles (Swagger func) is the function behind the (GET) endpoint /bundle
// Its job is to list all the bundles present in the system.
func (m *BundleManager) ListSkuBundles(ctx context.Context, params bundle_management.ListSkuBundlesParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] ListSkuBundles endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.monit.APIHit("bundle", callTime)
bundles, e := m.db.ListSkuBundles()
if e != nil {
s := "Problem retrieving Bundles in the system: " + e.Error()
errorReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "500", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle"}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewListSkuBundlesInternalServerError().WithPayload(&errorReturn)
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "GET", "route": "/sku/bundle"}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewListSkuBundlesOK().WithPayload(bundles)
// UpdateSkuBundle (Swagger func) is the function behind the (PUT) endpoint
// /sku/bundle/{id}
// Its job is to update the linked Sku bundle to the provided ID with the provided data.
func (m *BundleManager) UpdateSkuBundle(ctx context.Context, params bundle_management.UpdateSkuBundleParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[BundleManager] UpdateSkuBundle endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.monit.APIHit("bundle", callTime)
state, e := m.db.UpdateSkuBundle(params.ID, params.Bundle)
if e != nil {
s := "Problem updating Bundle: " + e.Error()
errorReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "500", "method": "PUT", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewUpdateSkuBundleInternalServerError().WithPayload(&errorReturn)
if state == statusMissing {
s := "The Bundle doesn't exists in the system."
missingReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "PUT", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewUpdateSkuBundleNotFound().WithPayload(&missingReturn)
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "PUT", "route": "/sku/bundle/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.monit.APIHitDone("bundle", callTime)
return bundle_management.NewUpdateSkuBundleOK().WithPayload(params.Bundle)