Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.

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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package usage_management
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the generate command
import (
// GetUsageHandlerFunc turns a function with the right signature into a get usage handler
type GetUsageHandlerFunc func(GetUsageParams, interface{}) middleware.Responder
// Handle executing the request and returning a response
func (fn GetUsageHandlerFunc) Handle(params GetUsageParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
return fn(params, principal)
// GetUsageHandler interface for that can handle valid get usage params
type GetUsageHandler interface {
Handle(GetUsageParams, interface{}) middleware.Responder
// NewGetUsage creates a new http.Handler for the get usage operation
func NewGetUsage(ctx *middleware.Context, handler GetUsageHandler) *GetUsage {
return &GetUsage{Context: ctx, Handler: handler}
/*GetUsage swagger:route GET /usage/{id} usageManagement getUsage
Detailed report covering of the account associated with the id within the specified time window
type GetUsage struct {
Context *middleware.Context
Handler GetUsageHandler
func (o *GetUsage) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
route, rCtx, _ := o.Context.RouteInfo(r)
if rCtx != nil {
r = rCtx
var Params = NewGetUsageParams()
uprinc, aCtx, err := o.Context.Authorize(r, route)
if err != nil {
o.Context.Respond(rw, r, route.Produces, route, err)
if aCtx != nil {
r = aCtx
var principal interface{}
if uprinc != nil {
principal = uprinc
if err := o.Context.BindValidRequest(r, route, &Params); err != nil { // bind params
o.Context.Respond(rw, r, route.Produces, route, err)
res := o.Handler.Handle(Params, principal) // actually handle the request
o.Context.Respond(rw, r, route.Produces, route, res)