Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
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package statusManager
import (
l ""
// Array containing all the monitors in the subsystem with one monit per endpoint.
type monitor struct {
db map[string]*monits
// monits or monitors, is a struct that contains the data about an API Endpoint
// tha is being monitored.
// Parameters:
// - last: string with the timestamp of the last update.
// - day: array for the 24h of the days containing the hits to the endpoint in
// during the last 24h.
// - BoT: int with the number of hits to the endpoint from the Beginning of Time,
// AKA since the service started.
type monits struct {
last string
day [24]int64
BoT int64
AvgTime float64
// StatusManager is the struct defined to group and contain all the methods
// that interact with the status report subsystem.
// Parameters:
// - db: a DbParameter reference to be able to use the DBManager methods.
type StatusManager struct {
db *dbManager.DbParameter
var (
mon monitor
start time.Time
avgTime map[string]int64
mutex *sync.Mutex
// New is the function to create the struct StatusManager.
// Parameters:
// - DbParameter: reference pointing to the DbParameter that allows the interaction
// with the DBManager methods.
// Returns:
// - StatusManager: struct to interact with statusManager subsystem functionalities.
func New(db *dbManager.DbParameter) *StatusManager {
l.Trace.Printf("[StatusManager] Generating new StatusManager.\n")
g := monits{last: "System just started"}
s := monits{last: "Status just started"}
mon = monitor{
db: make(map[string]*monits),
mon.db["main"] = &g
mon.db["status"] = &s
start = time.Now()
avgTime = make(map[string]int64)
mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
return &StatusManager{db: db}
// GetStatus (Swagger func) is the function behind the API Endpoint /status/{id}
// It give the current hit-status of the selected endpoint and a primitive
// system and db connection status report.
func (m *StatusManager) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, params status_management.GetStatusParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[StatusManager] GetStatus endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.APIHit("status", callTime)
if _, ok := mon.db[params.ID]; !ok {
s := "The Status for the requested endpoint doesn't exists in the system."
missingReturn := models.ErrorResponse{
ErrorString: &s,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET", "route": "/status/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.APIHitDone("status", callTime)
return status_management.NewGetStatusNotFound().WithPayload(&missingReturn)
status := "Healthy"
statusDB := "UP"
d, e := m.db.Db.DB()
if err := d.Ping(); e != nil || err != nil {
status = "Warning"
statusDB = "DOWN"
today := int64(0)
for _, i := range mon.db[params.ID].day {
today += i
stats := models.Status{
AverageResponseTime: mon.db[params.ID].AvgTime,
DBState: statusDB,
LastRequest: mon.db[params.ID].last,
RequestsBoT: mon.db[params.ID].BoT,
RequestsLastHour: mon.db[params.ID].day[(time.Now()).Hour()],
RequestsToday: today,
SystemState: &status,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "GET", "route": "/status/" + params.ID}).Inc()
m.APIHitDone("status", callTime)
return status_management.NewGetStatusOK().WithPayload(&stats)
// ShowStatus (Swagger func) is the function behind the API Endpoint /status
// It give the current hit-status of the whole system and a primitive
// system and db connection status report.
func (m *StatusManager) ShowStatus(ctx context.Context, params status_management.ShowStatusParams) middleware.Responder {
l.Trace.Printf("[StatusManager] ShowStatus endpoint invoked.\n")
callTime := time.Now()
m.APIHit("status", callTime)
status := "Healthy"
statusDB := "UP"
d, e := m.db.Db.DB()
if err := d.Ping(); e != nil || err != nil {
status = "Warning"
statusDB = "DOWN"
today := int64(0)
for _, i := range mon.db["main"].day {
today += i
stats := models.Status{
AverageResponseTime: mon.db["main"].AvgTime,
DBState: statusDB,
LastRequest: mon.db["main"].last,
RequestsBoT: mon.db["main"].BoT,
RequestsLastHour: mon.db["main"].day[(time.Now()).Hour()],
RequestsToday: today,
SystemState: &status,
m.db.Metrics["api"].With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "200", "method": "GET", "route": "/status"}).Inc()
m.APIHitDone("status", callTime)
return status_management.NewShowStatusOK().WithPayload(&stats)
// InitEndpoint is meant to be called on the New() functions representing each
// endpoint, its job is to initialize the endpoint index in the status array.
// Parameters:
// - index: string for identifying the endpoint. Should be unique per endpoint
// and contained in the enum list in the swagger file
func (m *StatusManager) InitEndpoint(index string) {
l.Trace.Printf("[StatusManager] Initializing monitoring of endpoint: %v.\n", index)
e := monits{
last: index + " just started",
mon.db[index] = &e
// APIHit is meant to be called at the beginning of each endpoint function.
// Its job is to update the information about the last time that endpoint was
// called and the rest of the metrics for the endpoint in the subsystem.
// Parameters:
// - index: string for identifying the endpoint. Should be unique per endpoint
// and contained in the enum list in the swagger file
// - t: a time.Time timestamp with refering to the moment the endpoint was called.
func (m *StatusManager) APIHit(index string, t time.Time) {
l.Debug.Printf("[StatusManager] Endpoint: %v, has been invoked.\n", index)
limit, _ := time.ParseDuration("25h")
cleanAllLimit, _ := time.ParseDuration("26h")
difference := (time.Now()).Sub(start)
if difference >= limit {
if difference >= cleanAllLimit {
} else {
m.cleanCount(t.Hour() - 1)
start = time.Now()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", index, t.UnixNano())
// First we update the general count
mon.db["main"].last = t.String()
// Then we update the specific endpoint count
mon.db[index].last = t.String()
avgTime[key] = t.UnixNano()
// APIHit is meant to be called right before the return of each endpoint function.
// Its job is to update the average time spent on the processing of each endpoint.
// Parameters:
// - index: string for identifying the endpoint. Should be unique per endpoint
// and contained in the enum list in the swagger file
// - t: a time.Time timestamp with refering to the moment the endpoint was called.
// Returns:
// - key: the key for avgTime map track.
func (m *StatusManager) APIHitDone(index string, t time.Time) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", index, t.UnixNano())
previous, exists := avgTime[key]
if exists {
to := float64(time.Now().UnixNano())
from := float64(previous)
avg := float64((mon.db[index].AvgTime*float64(mon.db[index].day[t.Hour()]-1) + (to-from)/float64(time.Millisecond)) / float64(mon.db[index].day[t.Hour()]))
avgSystem := float64((mon.db[index].AvgTime*float64(mon.db["main"].day[t.Hour()]-1) + (to-from)/float64(time.Millisecond)) / float64(mon.db["main"].day[t.Hour()]))
mon.db[index].AvgTime = avg
mon.db["main"].AvgTime = avgSystem
delete(avgTime, key)
m.db.Metrics["time"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Service average response time for endpoint " + index}).Set(avg)
m.db.Metrics["time"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Service average response time"}).Set(avgSystem)
// cleanCount 's job is to clean the day arrays on the subsystem.
// The logic behind it is that every 25h (or more) this function is called with
// a reference to previous hour cleaning setting the whole array to 0 except for
// that hour.
// Parameters:
// - h: integer for the hour to keep without cleaning.
func (m *StatusManager) cleanCount(h int) {
for key := range mon.db {
for idx := range mon.db[key].day {
if idx != h {
mon.db[key].day[idx] = 0