Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package bundle_management
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
cr ""
// NewCreateSkuBundleParams creates a new CreateSkuBundleParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewCreateSkuBundleParams() *CreateSkuBundleParams {
var ()
return &CreateSkuBundleParams{
timeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,
// NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithTimeout creates a new CreateSkuBundleParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
var ()
return &CreateSkuBundleParams{
timeout: timeout,
// NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithContext creates a new CreateSkuBundleParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
var ()
return &CreateSkuBundleParams{
Context: ctx,
// NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new CreateSkuBundleParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewCreateSkuBundleParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
var ()
return &CreateSkuBundleParams{
HTTPClient: client,
/*CreateSkuBundleParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the create sku bundle operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type CreateSkuBundleParams struct {
SKU bundle to be added
Bundle *models.SkuBundle
timeout time.Duration
Context context.Context
HTTPClient *http.Client
// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
return o
// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
o.timeout = timeout
// WithContext adds the context to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
return o
// SetContext adds the context to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
o.Context = ctx
// WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
return o
// SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) {
o.HTTPClient = client
// WithBundle adds the bundle to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) WithBundle(bundle *models.SkuBundle) *CreateSkuBundleParams {
return o
// SetBundle adds the bundle to the create sku bundle params
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) SetBundle(bundle *models.SkuBundle) {
o.Bundle = bundle
// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *CreateSkuBundleParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil {
return err
var res []error
if o.Bundle != nil {
if err := r.SetBodyParam(o.Bundle); err != nil {
return err
if len(res) > 0 {
return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
return nil