Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
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package dbManager
import (
l ""
const (
statusDuplicated = iota
stateActive = "active"
stateError = "error"
stateInactive = "inactive"
stateSuspended = "suspended"
stateTerminated = "terminated"
bigBang = int64(0)
endOfTime = int64(32503680000)
// DbParameter is the struct defined to group and contain all the methods
// that interact with the database.
// On it there is the following parameters:
// - connStr: strings with the connection information to the database
// - Db: a gorm.DB pointer to the db to invoke all the db methods
type DbParameter struct {
connStr string
Db *gorm.DB
Metrics map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec
var (
eeTime float64
eeTotal float64
// New is the function to create the struct DbParameter.
// Parameters:
// - dbConn: strings with the connection information to the database
// - tables: array of interfaces that will contains the models to migrate
// to the database on initialization
// Returns:
// - DbParameter: struct to interact with dbManager functionalities
func New(dbConn string, tables ...interface{}) *DbParameter {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Gerenating new DBParameter.\n")
var (
dp DbParameter
err error
dp.connStr = dbConn
dp.Db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dbConn), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[DB] Error opening connection. Error: %v\n", err)
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Migrating tables.\n")
//Database migration, it handles everything
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Generating hypertables.\n")
// Hypertables creation for timescaledb in case of needed
//dp.Db.Exec("SELECT create_hypertable('" + dp.Db.NewScope(&models.TABLE).TableName() + "', 'TIMESCALE-ROW-INDEX');")
return &dp
// AddEvent job is to register the new event on its corresponding resource state.
// Parameters:
// - event: a reference containing the new event in the resource.
// Returns:
// - e: error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) AddEvent(event models.Event) (e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to register a new in the resource [ %v ] from the account [ %v ].\n", event.ResourceID, event.Account)
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
var states []*models.State
var s, state models.State
patternSearch := models.State{
Account: event.Account,
ResourceID: event.ResourceID,
Region: event.Region,
patternUpdate := models.State{
TimeFrom: event.TimeFrom,
EventTime: event.EventTime,
LastEvent: func(s string) *string { return &s }(stateTerminated),
s = patternSearch
s.MetaData = event.MetaData
// First check is there's anything from same resourceid with different metadata,
// if so, terminate them all
if e = d.Db.Where(patternSearch).Not(models.State{
MetaData: event.MetaData,
LastEvent: func(s string) *string { return &s }(stateTerminated),
}).Find(&states).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while checking if the resource already has registered states in the system. Error: %v\n", e)
if len(states) != 0 {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] We found [ %v ] states linked to the resource [ %v ] proceeding to mark them as terminated...\n", len(states), event.ResourceID)
if e = d.UpdateStates(states, patternUpdate); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while terminating the other states linked to the resource [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", event.ResourceID, e)
} else {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "States updated"}).Add(float64(len(states)))
// check if Status is the same
// if so, update the last time event field
// if diferent, copy actual state to history, then change state into new values from event
if r := d.Db.Where(&s).First(&state).Error; errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] The resource [ %v ] doesn't have a linked state in the system, proceeding to generate one...\n", event.ResourceID)
s.ResourceName = event.ResourceName
s.TimeTo = endOfTime
s.TimeFrom = *event.EventTime
s.ResourceType = event.ResourceType
s.LastEvent = event.LastEvent
s.EventTime = event.EventTime
if e = d.Db.Create(&s).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while trying to create the state. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "States created"}).Inc()
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] The resource [ %v ] seems to be already in the system with state [ %v ], proceeding to update its state...\n", event.ResourceID, *state.LastEvent)
if *state.LastEvent == *event.LastEvent {
if e = d.Db.Model(&state).Updates(models.State{
EventTime: event.EventTime,
}).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while updating the state. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "States updated"}).Inc()
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] The resource [ %v ] seems to have a previous different state: [ %v ] -> [ %v ], proceeding to update it...\n", event.ResourceID, *state.LastEvent, *event.LastEvent)
h := state
h.TimeTo = *event.EventTime
if e = d.AddToHistory(h); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while saving in the history the previous state. Error: %v\n", e)
if e = d.Db.Model(&state).Updates(models.State{
EventTime: event.EventTime,
LastEvent: event.LastEvent,
TimeFrom: *event.EventTime,
}).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while updating the state. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "States updated"}).Inc()
eeTime += float64(time.Now().UnixNano() - now)
d.Metrics["time"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Events average registering time"}).Set(eeTime / eeTotal / float64(time.Millisecond))
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total events processed"}).Inc()
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total " + event.ResourceType + " events processed"}).Inc()
// AddToHistory job is to archive the provided state as a new event in the
// history of changes linked to the state provided.
// Parameters:
// - state: State to be archived as a new event in the history of changes of
// the State.
// Returns:
// - e: error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) AddToHistory(state models.State) (e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to add the event [ %v ] to the history of changes of the state. Account [ %v ], Resource [ %v ].\n", *state.LastEvent, state.Account, state.ResourceID)
h := models.Event{
Account: state.Account,
EventTime: state.EventTime,
LastEvent: state.LastEvent,
MetaData: state.MetaData,
Region: state.Region,
ResourceID: state.ResourceID,
ResourceName: state.ResourceName,
ResourceType: state.ResourceType,
TimeFrom: state.TimeFrom,
TimeTo: state.TimeTo,
if e = d.Db.Create(&h).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while adding the event to the history of the state. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Histories updated"}).Inc()
// DatesWithin job is to check whether the analized time-window overlaps or not,
// reporting how this happens and how much overlapping exists.
// Parameters:
// - EventFrom: int representing the start of the interval for the event.
// - EventTp: int representing the end of the interval for the event.
// - TimeFrom: int representing the start of the time-window.
// - TimeTo: int representing the end of the time-window.
// Returns:
// - inc: const(int) representing the state of the time-window vs the interval.
// - diff: int representing the region of overlapping between both time-windows.
func (d *DbParameter) DatesWithin(EventFrom, EventTo, TimeFrom, TimeTo int64) (inc int, diff int64) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to match the time-window with the state/event time interval.\n")
if EventTo <= TimeFrom {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Time-window is before the time interval of the state/interval.\n")
inc = notIncluded
if EventFrom >= TimeTo {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Time-window is after the time interval of the state/interval.\n")
inc = notIncluded
if EventFrom <= TimeFrom && TimeTo <= EventTo {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Time-window is completely within the time interval of the state/interval.\n")
// INNER Time Window
inc = innerIncluded
diff = TimeTo - TimeFrom
if EventFrom <= TimeFrom && EventTo <= TimeTo {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Time-window starts within the time interval of the state/interval and goes forward in the timeline.\n")
// UPPER Time Window
inc = upperIncluded
diff = EventTo - TimeFrom
if TimeFrom <= EventFrom && TimeTo <= EventTo {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Time-window finished within the time interval of the state/interval and starts before it in the timeline.\n")
// LOWER Time Window included
inc = lowerIncluded
diff = TimeTo - EventFrom
if TimeFrom <= EventFrom && EventTo <= TimeTo {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] The time interval of the state/interval is within the time-windows (AKA starts and finish outside the interval).\n")
// OUTTER Time Window
inc = outterIncluded
diff = EventTo - EventFrom
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Time-window is from the 4th dimension, reach the administrator, the CERN, and the whole scientific community ASAP!\n")
inc = notIncluded
// GetAllStates job is to retrieve a snapshot of all the states present in the
// system at the time of invokation-
// Returns:
// - slice of States containing all the resources state in the system
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetAllStates() ([]*models.State, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve all the states present in the system.\n")
var s []*models.State
var e error
if e := d.Db.Find(&s).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the states in the system. Error: %v\n", e)
return s, e
// GetState job is to retrieve the actual state of every resource linked to the
// provided account.
// Parameters:
// - ac: string representing the ID of the account to be processed.
// Returns:
// - slice of State containing the states kept in the system of the resources
// linked to the provided account
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetState(ac string) ([]*models.State, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to get the actual state of the account [ %v ].\n", ac)
var s []*models.State
var e error
if e := d.Db.Where(&models.State{Account: ac}).Find(&s).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the state of the account [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", ac, e)
return s, e
// ListState job is to retrieve the list of not terminated states in the system
// for the requested region and resource type..
// Parameters:
// - metric
// - region
// Returns:
// - slice of State containing the states kept in the system.
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) ListState(metric, region string) ([]*models.MinimalState, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to get the list of not terminated [ %v ] states for region [ %v ].\n", metric, region)
var s []*models.MinimalState
var e error
filter := "terminated"
if e := d.Db.Table("states").Where(&models.State{Region: region, ResourceType: metric}).Not(&models.State{LastEvent: &filter}).Order("account").Scan(&s).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the list of states from the system. Error: %v\n", e)
return s, e
// GetAllHistory job is to retrieve the complete history of changes in the state
// of the provided resource linked to the given account.
// Parameters:
// - ac: string representing the ID of the account to be processed.
// - u: Use reference used as the pattern to match the specific state needed.
// Returns:
// - slice of Event containing the changes in the history of the provided account.
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetAllHistory(ac string, u models.Use) ([]*models.Event, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve the full history of the resource [ %v ] from account [ %v ].\n", u.ResourceID, ac)
var ev []*models.Event
var e error
if e := d.Db.Where(&models.Event{
Account: ac,
ResourceID: u.ResourceID,
ResourceName: u.ResourceName,
ResourceType: u.ResourceType,
MetaData: u.MetaData,
}).Find(&ev).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the history of the resource [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", u.ResourceID, e)
return ev, e
// GetHistory job is to retrieve the history of changes in the state of the
// provided account during the given time-window, with the posibility of filter
// the result by the type of resource.
// Parameters:
// - ac: string representing the ID of the account to be processed.
// - ty: string representing the resource type to use as filter
// - rg: string representing the resource region to use as filter
// - from: int representing the start of the time-window.
// - to: int representing the end of the time-window.
// Returns:
// - slice of Event containing the changes in the history of the provided account.
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetHistory(ac, ty, rg string, from, to int64) ([]*models.Event, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve the history of the account [ %v ].\n", ac)
var ev []*models.Event
var e error
whereString := d.Db.NamingStrategy.ColumnName("", "TimeFrom") + " >= ? AND " + d.Db.NamingStrategy.ColumnName("", "TimeTo") + " <= ?"
if e := d.Db.Where(whereString, from, to).Where(&models.Event{
Account: ac,
ResourceType: ty,
Region: rg,
}).Find(&ev).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the history of the account [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", ac, e)
return ev, e
// GetUsage job is to compute the usage accumulated by the provided account
// considering the time in the actual state and the history of changes that
// the account resources have had during the provided time-window, with the
// posibility of filtering by resource type.
// Parameters:
// - ac: string representing the ID of the account to be processed.
// - ty: string representing the resource type to use as filter
// - rg: string representing the resource region to use as filter
// - from: int representing the start of the time-window.
// - to: int representing the end of the time-window.
// Returns:
// - Usage reference containing the usage of the account in the system in the
// provided time-window.
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetUsage(ac, ty, rg string, from, to int64) (*models.Usage, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to compute the usage of the account [ %v ].\n", ac)
var u models.Usage
var e error
// First we check if the actual State is in the time-window
states, e := d.GetState(ac)
u.AccountID = ac
u.TimeFrom = from
u.TimeTo = to
for i := range states {
if ty != "" && states[i].ResourceType != ty {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Resource filtering active. Resource [ %v ] not matching criteria [ %v ].\n", states[i].ResourceType, ty)
if rg != "" && states[i].Region != rg {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Resource filtering active. Resource [ %v ] not matching criteria [ %v ].\n", states[i].ResourceType, rg)
var use models.Use
use.Region = states[i].Region
use.ResourceID = states[i].ResourceID
use.ResourceName = states[i].ResourceName
use.ResourceType = states[i].ResourceType
use.MetaData = states[i].MetaData
use.Unit = "seconds"
usage := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
usage[*states[i].LastEvent] = int64(0)
// If it is, then we check is the time window goes before the actual state,
// if not, we create the usage and done
// If it does..
if inc, contrib := d.DatesWithin(states[i].TimeFrom, states[i].TimeTo, from, to); inc == innerIncluded || inc == upperIncluded {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Resource [ %v ] state contained within the time-window, skipping history check.\n", states[i].ResourceID)
usage[*states[i].LastEvent] = usage[*states[i].LastEvent].(int64) + contrib
} else {
if inc != notIncluded {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Resource [ %v ] state not (fully) contained within the time-window, checking history of the resource.\n", states[i].ResourceID)
usage[*states[i].LastEvent] = usage[*states[i].LastEvent].(int64) + contrib
// We get the History of the State,
// for each entry we check if the time-windows covers it,
// if so we add the contribution to the usage
// if not, we skip it
history, e := d.GetAllHistory(ac, use)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the resource [ %v ] history. Error: %v\n", states[i].ResourceID, e)
} else {
for id := range history {
if included, contribution := d.DatesWithin(history[id].TimeFrom, history[id].TimeTo, from, to); included != notIncluded {
if _, ok := usage[*history[id].LastEvent]; !ok {
usage[*history[id].LastEvent] = int64(0)
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Resource [ %v ] history register contained within the time-window.\n", states[i].ResourceID)
usage[*history[id].LastEvent] = usage[*history[id].LastEvent].(int64) + contribution
delete(usage, stateTerminated)
for id := range usage {
if usage[id].(int64) == int64(0) {
delete(usage, id)
if len(usage) != 0 {
use.UsageBreakup = usage
u.Usage = append(u.Usage, &use)
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] The resource [ %v ] has no data in the specified time-window, skipping it's usage report.\n", states[i].ResourceID)
return &u, e
// GetSystemUsage job is to compute the usage accumulated in the whole system
// by account considering the time in the actual state and the history of changes
// that the account resources have had during the provided time-window, with the
// posibility of filtering by resource type.
// Parameters:
// - from: int representing the start of the time-window.
// - to: int representing the end of the time-window.
// - ty: string representing the resource type to use as filter
// - rg: string representing the resource region to use as filter
// Returns:
// - slice of Usages containing the usage per account in the system in the
// provided time-window.
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) GetSystemUsage(from, to int64, ty, rg string) ([]*models.Usage, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to compute the system usage.\n")
var u []*models.Usage
var e error
ids := make(map[string]struct{})
mutex := &sync.Mutex{}
swg := sizedwaitgroup.New(8)
if states, e := d.GetAllStates(); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the states recorded in the system. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
for index := range states {
// Goroutines start
go func(index int) {
i := index
defer swg.Done()
_, exists := ids[states[i].Account]
if exists {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Account [ %v ] already processed, skipping...\n", states[i].Account)
ids[states[i].Account] = struct{}{}
if su, e := d.GetUsage(states[i].Account, ty, rg, from, to); e != nil || su.Usage == nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the usage of the account [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", states[i].Account, e)
} else {
u = append(u, su)
return u, e
// UpdateStates job is to process the provided states given a pattern, ranging
// through the given states, records the change in the history of the state and
// then updates the state with in the system according to the pattern.
// Parameters:
// - states: slice of State to be updated in the system.
// - pattern: a State reference containing the changes to be done previous to
// the update in the system.
// Returns:
// - error raised in case of problems
func (d *DbParameter) UpdateStates(states []*models.State, pattern models.State) error {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to update [ %v ] states.\n", len(states))
var counth, countdb int = 0, 0
var e error
for i := range states {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Processing state for resource [ %v ] from account [ %v ].\n", states[i].ResourceID, states[i].Account)
s := states[i]
s.TimeTo = pattern.TimeFrom
if e = d.AddToHistory(*s); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while saving the history of the state. Error: %v\n", e)
if e = d.Db.Model(states[i]).Updates(pattern).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while updating the state in the system. Error: %v\n", e)
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Update of states finished with [ %v ] errors while saving the history and [ %v ] while updating the states\n", counth, countdb)
return e