Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package reseller_management
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
// GetResellerOKCode is the HTTP code returned for type GetResellerOK
const GetResellerOKCode int = 200
/*GetResellerOK Reseller with the id given in the system returned
swagger:response getResellerOK
type GetResellerOK struct {
In: Body
Payload *models.Reseller `json:"body,omitempty"`
// NewGetResellerOK creates GetResellerOK with default headers values
func NewGetResellerOK() *GetResellerOK {
return &GetResellerOK{}
// WithPayload adds the payload to the get reseller o k response
func (o *GetResellerOK) WithPayload(payload *models.Reseller) *GetResellerOK {
o.Payload = payload
return o
// SetPayload sets the payload to the get reseller o k response
func (o *GetResellerOK) SetPayload(payload *models.Reseller) {
o.Payload = payload
// WriteResponse to the client
func (o *GetResellerOK) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) {
if o.Payload != nil {
payload := o.Payload
if err := producer.Produce(rw, payload); err != nil {
panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this
// GetResellerNotFoundCode is the HTTP code returned for type GetResellerNotFound
const GetResellerNotFoundCode int = 404
/*GetResellerNotFound The reseller with the given id wasn't found
swagger:response getResellerNotFound
type GetResellerNotFound struct {
In: Body
Payload *models.ErrorResponse `json:"body,omitempty"`
// NewGetResellerNotFound creates GetResellerNotFound with default headers values
func NewGetResellerNotFound() *GetResellerNotFound {
return &GetResellerNotFound{}
// WithPayload adds the payload to the get reseller not found response
func (o *GetResellerNotFound) WithPayload(payload *models.ErrorResponse) *GetResellerNotFound {
o.Payload = payload
return o
// SetPayload sets the payload to the get reseller not found response
func (o *GetResellerNotFound) SetPayload(payload *models.ErrorResponse) {
o.Payload = payload
// WriteResponse to the client
func (o *GetResellerNotFound) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) {
if o.Payload != nil {
payload := o.Payload
if err := producer.Produce(rw, payload); err != nil {
panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this
// GetResellerInternalServerErrorCode is the HTTP code returned for type GetResellerInternalServerError
const GetResellerInternalServerErrorCode int = 500
/*GetResellerInternalServerError Something unexpected happend, error raised
swagger:response getResellerInternalServerError
type GetResellerInternalServerError struct {
In: Body
Payload *models.ErrorResponse `json:"body,omitempty"`
// NewGetResellerInternalServerError creates GetResellerInternalServerError with default headers values
func NewGetResellerInternalServerError() *GetResellerInternalServerError {
return &GetResellerInternalServerError{}
// WithPayload adds the payload to the get reseller internal server error response
func (o *GetResellerInternalServerError) WithPayload(payload *models.ErrorResponse) *GetResellerInternalServerError {
o.Payload = payload
return o
// SetPayload sets the payload to the get reseller internal server error response
func (o *GetResellerInternalServerError) SetPayload(payload *models.ErrorResponse) {
o.Payload = payload
// WriteResponse to the client
func (o *GetResellerInternalServerError) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) {
if o.Payload != nil {
payload := o.Payload
if err := producer.Produce(rw, payload); err != nil {
panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this