Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package restapi
import (
type contextKey string
const AuthKey contextKey = "Auth"
//go:generate mockery -name AccountManagementAPI -inpkg
/* AccountManagementAPI */
type AccountManagementAPI interface {
/* CreateAccount Creates a new account in the system */
CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, params account_management.CreateAccountParams) middleware.Responder
/* DisableAccount Disables the account with the id provided in the system */
DisableAccount(ctx context.Context, params account_management.DisableAccountParams) middleware.Responder
/* EnableAccount Enables the account with the id provided in the system */
EnableAccount(ctx context.Context, params account_management.EnableAccountParams) middleware.Responder
/* GetAccountStatus Basic status of the account with the id provided in the system */
GetAccountStatus(ctx context.Context, params account_management.GetAccountStatusParams) middleware.Responder
/* ListAccounts List of the accounts in the system */
ListAccounts(ctx context.Context, params account_management.ListAccountsParams) middleware.Responder
//go:generate mockery -name CreditManagementAPI -inpkg
/* CreditManagementAPI */
type CreditManagementAPI interface {
/* AddConsumption Adds a consumption to the system */
AddConsumption(ctx context.Context, params credit_management.AddConsumptionParams) middleware.Responder
/* DecreaseCredit Insert a new reseller in the system. */
DecreaseCredit(ctx context.Context, params credit_management.DecreaseCreditParams) middleware.Responder
/* GetCredit Credit status of the account with the provided id */
GetCredit(ctx context.Context, params credit_management.GetCreditParams) middleware.Responder
/* GetHistory Credit history of the customer with id */
GetHistory(ctx context.Context, params credit_management.GetHistoryParams) middleware.Responder
/* IncreaseCredit Insert a new reseller in the system. */
IncreaseCredit(ctx context.Context, params credit_management.IncreaseCreditParams) middleware.Responder
//go:generate mockery -name StatusManagementAPI -inpkg
/* StatusManagementAPI */
type StatusManagementAPI interface {
/* GetStatus Basic status of the system */
GetStatus(ctx context.Context, params status_management.GetStatusParams) middleware.Responder
/* ShowStatus Basic status of the system */
ShowStatus(ctx context.Context, params status_management.ShowStatusParams) middleware.Responder
//go:generate mockery -name TriggerManagementAPI -inpkg
/* TriggerManagementAPI */
type TriggerManagementAPI interface {
/* ExecSample Sample task trigger */
ExecSample(ctx context.Context, params trigger_management.ExecSampleParams) middleware.Responder
// Config is configuration for Handler
type Config struct {
Logger func(string, ...interface{})
// InnerMiddleware is for the handler executors. These do not apply to the swagger.json document.
// The middleware executes after routing but before authentication, binding and validation
InnerMiddleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler
// Authorizer is used to authorize a request after the Auth function was called using the "Auth*" functions
// and the principal was stored in the context in the "AuthKey" context value.
Authorizer func(*http.Request) error
// AuthAPIKeyHeader Applies when the "X-API-KEY" header is set
AuthAPIKeyHeader func(token string) (interface{}, error)
// AuthAPIKeyParam Applies when the "api_key" query is set
AuthAPIKeyParam func(token string) (interface{}, error)
// AuthKeycloak For OAuth2 authentication
AuthKeycloak func(token string, scopes []string) (interface{}, error)
// Authenticator to use for all APIKey authentication
APIKeyAuthenticator func(string, string, security.TokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// Authenticator to use for all Bearer authentication
BasicAuthenticator func(security.UserPassAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// Authenticator to use for all Basic authentication
BearerAuthenticator func(string, security.ScopedTokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// Handler returns an http.Handler given the handler configuration
// It mounts all the business logic implementers in the right routing.
func Handler(c Config) (http.Handler, error) {
h, _, err := HandlerAPI(c)
return h, err
// HandlerAPI returns an http.Handler given the handler configuration
// and the corresponding *CreditManagerManagementAPI instance.
// It mounts all the business logic implementers in the right routing.
func HandlerAPI(c Config) (http.Handler, *operations.CreditManagerManagementAPIAPI, error) {
spec, err := loads.Analyzed(swaggerCopy(SwaggerJSON), "")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("analyze swagger: %v", err)
api := operations.NewCreditManagerManagementAPIAPI(spec)
api.ServeError = errors.ServeError
api.Logger = c.Logger
if c.APIKeyAuthenticator != nil {
api.APIKeyAuthenticator = c.APIKeyAuthenticator
if c.BasicAuthenticator != nil {
api.BasicAuthenticator = c.BasicAuthenticator
if c.BearerAuthenticator != nil {
api.BearerAuthenticator = c.BearerAuthenticator
api.JSONConsumer = runtime.JSONConsumer()
api.JSONProducer = runtime.JSONProducer()
api.APIKeyHeaderAuth = func(token string) (interface{}, error) {
if c.AuthAPIKeyHeader == nil {
return token, nil
return c.AuthAPIKeyHeader(token)
api.APIKeyParamAuth = func(token string) (interface{}, error) {
if c.AuthAPIKeyParam == nil {
return token, nil
return c.AuthAPIKeyParam(token)
api.KeycloakAuth = func(token string, scopes []string) (interface{}, error) {
if c.AuthKeycloak == nil {
return token, nil
return c.AuthKeycloak(token, scopes)
api.APIAuthorizer = authorizer(c.Authorizer)
api.CreditManagementAddConsumptionHandler = credit_management.AddConsumptionHandlerFunc(func(params credit_management.AddConsumptionParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.CreditManagementAPI.AddConsumption(ctx, params)
api.AccountManagementCreateAccountHandler = account_management.CreateAccountHandlerFunc(func(params account_management.CreateAccountParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.AccountManagementAPI.CreateAccount(ctx, params)
api.CreditManagementDecreaseCreditHandler = credit_management.DecreaseCreditHandlerFunc(func(params credit_management.DecreaseCreditParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.CreditManagementAPI.DecreaseCredit(ctx, params)
api.AccountManagementDisableAccountHandler = account_management.DisableAccountHandlerFunc(func(params account_management.DisableAccountParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.AccountManagementAPI.DisableAccount(ctx, params)
api.AccountManagementEnableAccountHandler = account_management.EnableAccountHandlerFunc(func(params account_management.EnableAccountParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.AccountManagementAPI.EnableAccount(ctx, params)
api.TriggerManagementExecSampleHandler = trigger_management.ExecSampleHandlerFunc(func(params trigger_management.ExecSampleParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.TriggerManagementAPI.ExecSample(ctx, params)
api.AccountManagementGetAccountStatusHandler = account_management.GetAccountStatusHandlerFunc(func(params account_management.GetAccountStatusParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.AccountManagementAPI.GetAccountStatus(ctx, params)
api.CreditManagementGetCreditHandler = credit_management.GetCreditHandlerFunc(func(params credit_management.GetCreditParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.CreditManagementAPI.GetCredit(ctx, params)
api.CreditManagementGetHistoryHandler = credit_management.GetHistoryHandlerFunc(func(params credit_management.GetHistoryParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.CreditManagementAPI.GetHistory(ctx, params)
api.StatusManagementGetStatusHandler = status_management.GetStatusHandlerFunc(func(params status_management.GetStatusParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.StatusManagementAPI.GetStatus(ctx, params)
api.CreditManagementIncreaseCreditHandler = credit_management.IncreaseCreditHandlerFunc(func(params credit_management.IncreaseCreditParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.CreditManagementAPI.IncreaseCredit(ctx, params)
api.AccountManagementListAccountsHandler = account_management.ListAccountsHandlerFunc(func(params account_management.ListAccountsParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.AccountManagementAPI.ListAccounts(ctx, params)
api.StatusManagementShowStatusHandler = status_management.ShowStatusHandlerFunc(func(params status_management.ShowStatusParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
ctx = storeAuth(ctx, principal)
return c.StatusManagementAPI.ShowStatus(ctx, params)
api.ServerShutdown = func() {}
return api.Serve(c.InnerMiddleware), api, nil
// swaggerCopy copies the swagger json to prevent data races in runtime
func swaggerCopy(orig json.RawMessage) json.RawMessage {
c := make(json.RawMessage, len(orig))
copy(c, orig)
return c
// authorizer is a helper function to implement the runtime.Authorizer interface.
type authorizer func(*http.Request) error
func (a authorizer) Authorize(req *http.Request, principal interface{}) error {
if a == nil {
return nil
ctx := storeAuth(req.Context(), principal)
return a(req.WithContext(ctx))
func storeAuth(ctx context.Context, principal interface{}) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, AuthKey, principal)