Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
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package dbManager
import (
cdrModels ""
cusModels ""
pmModels ""
l ""
// Report status code vars
const (
scaler = 1e9
StatusDuplicated = iota
var (
periodicity = map[string]int{"daily": 1, "weekly": 7, "bi-weekly": 15,
"monthly": 1, "bi-monthly": 2, "quarterly": 3, "semi-annually": 6, "annually": 0}
invTotal float64
invTime float64
preProcFailedInvoices map[strfmt.UUID]int64
// DbParameter is the struct defined to group and contain all the methods
// that interact with the database.
// Parameters:
// - Cache: CacheManager pointer for the cache mechanism.
// - connStr: strings with the connection information to the database
// - Db: a gorm.DB pointer to the db to invoke all the db methods
type DbParameter struct {
Cache *cacheManager.CacheManager
connStr string
Db *gorm.DB
Metrics map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec
workersPool *pool
type period struct {
from strfmt.DateTime
to strfmt.DateTime
// Workers Pool config struct
type pool struct {
bufferSize int64
metadata chan map[string]interface{}
poolActive bool
results chan workerResult
sync *sync.WaitGroup
workers int
mutex sync.RWMutex
type workerResult struct {
amount float64
billrun strfmt.UUID
organization string
status string
// New is the function to create the struct DbParameter.
// Parameters:
// - dbConn: strings with the connection information to the database
// - tables: array of interfaces that will contains the models to migrate
// to the database on initialization
// Returns:
// - DbParameter: struct to interact with dbManager functionalities
func New(dbConn string, tables ...interface{}) *DbParameter {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Gerenating new DBParameter.\n")
var (
dp DbParameter
err error
dp.connStr = dbConn
dp.Db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dbConn), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[DB] Error opening connection. Error: %v\n", err)
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Migrating tables.\n")
//Database migration, it handles everything
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Generating hypertables.\n")
// Hypertables creation for timescaledb in case of needed
//dp.Db.Exec("SELECT create_hypertable('" + dp.Db.NewScope(&models.TABLE).TableName() + "', 'TIMESCALE-ROW-INDEX');")
// Workers Pool
p := pool{
poolActive: false,
bufferSize: 100,
maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
if maxProcs < numCPU {
p.workers = maxProcs
} else {
p.workers = numCPU
dp.workersPool = &p
// Counter for clean billruns
preProcFailedInvoices = make(map[strfmt.UUID]int64)
return &dp
// createBillRun job is to create the skeleton of a new billrun in the system
// and provide its ID.
// Parameters:
// - size: int64 indicating the amount of invoices to be generated during the
// execution of the billrun.
// Returns:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the just created billrun.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) createBillRun(size int64, executionType string) (id strfmt.UUID, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to create a new billrun.\n")
var o, origin models.BillRun
status := "QUEUED"
o = models.BillRun{
CreationTimestamp: (strfmt.DateTime)(time.Now()),
InvoicesCount: size,
Status: &status,
ExecutionType: executionType,
if r := d.Db.Where(&o).First(&origin).Error; errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
if r := d.Db.Create(&o); r.Error == nil {
l.Info.Printf("[DB] Billrun inserted successfully.\n")
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Billruns created"}).Inc()
id = r.Statement.Model.(*models.BillRun).ID
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while trying to create a new billrun in the system. Error: %v.\n", r.Error)
e = r.Error
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Billrun with id [ %v ] is already in the system, check with the administrator.", origin.ID)
id = origin.ID
e = errors.New("billrun duplication")
// createInvoice job is to create the skeleton of a new invoice in the system
// and provide its ID.
// Parameters:
// - p: a preiod object containing the timeframe for the invoice.
// - organization: a string contining the ID of the organization for the invoice.
// Returns:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the just created invoice.
// - e in case of any error happening.
// -
func (d *DbParameter) createInvoice(p period, organization, orgType string) (id strfmt.UUID, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to create a new invoice.\n")
var o, origin models.Invoice
status := "NOT_PROCESSED"
o = models.Invoice{
Items: make(datamodels.JSONdb),
OrganizationID: organization,
OrganizationType: orgType,
PeriodEndDate: (strfmt.Date)(((time.Time)(, 0, -1)),
PeriodStartDate: (strfmt.Date)(p.from),
Status: &status,
if r := d.Db.Where(&o).First(&origin).Error; errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
o.GenerationTimestamp = (strfmt.DateTime)(time.Now())
status := "UNPAID"
o.PaymentStatus = &status
o.PaymentDeadline = (strfmt.Date)(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 15))
if r := d.Db.Create(&o); r.Error == nil {
l.Info.Printf("[DB] Invoice created successfully.\n")
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Invoices created"}).Inc()
id = r.Statement.Model.(*models.Invoice).ID
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while trying to save the invoice in the system. Error: %v.\n", r.Error)
e = r.Error
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Invoice with id [ %v ] is already in the system.", origin.ID)
id = origin.ID
e = errors.New("invoice already in the system")
// getFloat job is to check the type of the interface and properly cast its
// value into a float64.
// Parameters:
// - i: interface that should contain a float number.
// Returns:
// - f: a float64 with the value contained in the interface provided.
func (d *DbParameter) getFloat(i interface{}) (f float64) {
var e error
if i == nil {
f = float64(0)
if v := reflect.ValueOf(i); v.Kind() == reflect.Float64 {
f = i.(float64)
} else {
f, e = i.(json.Number).Float64()
if e != nil {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] GetFloat failed to convert [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", i, e)
// getNiceFloat job is to turn the ugly float64 provided into a "nice looking"
// one according to the scale set, so we move from a floating coma number into
// a fixed coma number.
// Parameters:
// - i: the ugly floating coma number.
// Returns:
// - o: the "nice looking" fixed coma float.
func (d *DbParameter) getNiceFloat(i float64) (o float64) {
min := float64(float64(1) / float64(scaler))
if diff := math.Abs(i - min); diff < min {
o = float64(0)
} else {
//o = float64(math.Round(i*scaler) / scaler)
o = float64(i)
// contains job is to check if the string is contiained in the StringArray.
// Paramenters:
// - slice: the StringArray to check.
// - s: the probing string.
// Returns:
// - boolean with true if is contained
func (d *DbParameter) contains(slice pq.StringArray, s string) bool {
for _, v := range slice {
if v == s {
return true
return false
// GetBillRun job is to retrieve from the system the BillRunReport associated
// with the provided ID.
// Parameters:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the billrun requested.
// Returns:
// - the billrunreport associated to the provided ID.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) GetBillRun(id strfmt.UUID) (*models.BillRunReport, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve the billrun [ %v ].\n", id)
var o models.BillRunReport
var e error
var oInvoices []*models.InvoiceMetadata
if e = d.Db.Where(&models.BillRun{ID: id}).First(&models.BillRun{}).Scan(&o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the billrun [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", id, e)
} else {
if e = d.Db.Where(&models.Invoice{BillRunID: id}).Find(&([]*models.Invoice{})).Scan(&oInvoices).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the associated invoices to the billrun [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", id, e)
} else {
o.InvoicesList = oInvoices
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Billrun [ %v ] with its corresponding [ %v ] invoices retrieved from the system.\n", id, len(oInvoices))
return &o, e
// GetInvoice job is to retrieve from the system the Invoice associated with
// the provided ID.
// Parameters:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the invoice requested.
// Returns:
// - the invoice associated to the provided ID.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) GetInvoice(id strfmt.UUID) (*models.Invoice, error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve the invoice [ %v ].\n", id)
var o models.Invoice
var e error
if e = d.Db.Where(&models.Invoice{ID: id}).First(&o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the invoice [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", id, e)
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Invoice [ %v ] retrieved from the system.\n", id)
return &o, e
// GetInvoicesByOrganization job is to retrieve from the system the existent
// invoice(s) related to the organization whose ID is provided.-
// Parameters:
// - id: a string with the organization ID associated to the invoice.
// - months: optional int64 with the amount of months to go back in time looking
// for the invoices associated.
// Returns:
// - o: slice of Invoice containend the requested invoices from the system.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) GetInvoicesByOrganization(id string, months *int64) (o []*models.Invoice, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve the invoices from organization [ %v ].\n", id)
m := int64(3)
if months != nil {
m = *months
timeWindow := d.getWindow("GenerationTimestamp", m)
if e = d.Db.Where(timeWindow).Where(&models.Invoice{OrganizationID: id}).Find(&o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the invoices for the organization [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", id, e)
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] Invoices for organization [ %v ] retrieved from the system.\n", id)
// getWindow job is to select the timeframe for the usage retrievals according
// to the data providad today-months<window. Default: today-3months<window
// Parameters:
// - col: string containing the name of the col used in the timeWindow.
// - months: optional int64 with the amount of months to go back in time.
// Returns:
// - s: a string with the needed window correctly formated to be used with GORM.
func (d *DbParameter) getWindow(col string, months int64) (s string) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to get a window for a db query.\n")
if months <= 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v > NOW() - INTERVAL '%v month'", d.Db.NamingStrategy.ColumnName("", col), 3)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v > NOW() - INTERVAL '%v month'", d.Db.NamingStrategy.ColumnName("", col), months)
return s
// GenerateInvoicesBy job is to start the generation of the invoice(s) linked
// with the provided organiztion. Ideally this function will only be run with
// the idea of override the period of the invoice, but the simple re-run of the
// invoice possibility is present.
// Parameters:
// - org: a string with the type of organization: reseller or customer.
// - id: a string with the organization ID whose invoice is going to be generated.
// - token: a string with an optional keycloak bearer token.
// - from: optional datetime value to override the initial time of the invoicing
// period.
// - to: optional datetime value to override the final time of the invoicing
// period.
// Returns:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID of billrun in charge of the
// generation of the invoices.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) GenerateInvoicesBy(org, id, token string, from, to strfmt.DateTime) (billrunID string, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Starting the generation of invoices for customer [ %v ].\n", id)
var billrun strfmt.UUID
billrun, e = d.createBillRun(1, "ORGANIZATION: "+id)
billrunID = (string)(billrun)
if e != nil {
metadata := make(map[string]interface{})
metadata[org] = id
metadata["billrun"] = billrun
metadata["regenerate"] = true
if !((time.Time)(from)).IsZero() && !((time.Time)(to)).IsZero() {
metadata["period"] = period{
from: from,
to: to,
go d.InvoicesGeneration(metadata, token)
// ListBillRuns job is to provide the list of billruns in the system, by default
// this list only goes back in time 3 months from today, but it can be overrided.
// Parameters:
// - months: optional int64 containing the amount of month to look back in time.
// Returns:
// - o: slice of BillRunList containing the billruns in the system.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) ListBillRuns(months *int64) (o []*models.BillRunList, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve all the billruns in the system.\n")
m := int64(3)
if months != nil {
m = *months
timeWindow := d.getWindow("CreationTimestamp", m)
if e = d.Db.Where(timeWindow).Find(&([]*models.BillRun{})).Scan(&o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the billruns in the system. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] [ %v ] billruns retrieved from the system.\n", len(o))
// ListBillRunsByOrganization job is to provide the list of billruns in the system
// that are linked to the specific organization.
// By default this list only goes back in time 3 months from today, but it can
// be overrided.
// Parameters:
// - months: optional int64 containing the amount of month to look back in time.
// Returns:
// - o: slice of BillRunList containing the billruns in the system.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) ListBillRunsByOrganization(organization, token string, months *int64) (o []*models.BillRunList, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve all the billruns in the system linked to the organization [ %v ].\n", organization)
var o1, o2 []*models.BillRunList
m := int64(3)
executionTypeCus := "ORGANIZATION: "
executionTypeRes := "ORGANIZATION: "
c, e := d.Cache.Get(organization, "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the customers. Assuming the id [ %v ] is a reseller. Error: %v\n", organization, e)
executionTypeRes += organization
executionTypeCus = ""
} else {
customer := c.(cusModels.Customer)
executionTypeRes += customer.ResellerID
executionTypeCus += organization
if months != nil {
m = *months
timeWindow := d.getWindow("CreationTimestamp", m)
if e1 := d.Db.Where(timeWindow).Where(&models.BillRun{ExecutionType: executionTypeCus}).Find(&([]*models.BillRun{})).Scan(&o1).Error; e1 != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the billruns in the system for [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", executionTypeCus, e1)
e = fmt.Errorf("%v search gave problems. Error: %v", executionTypeCus, e1)
if e2 := d.Db.Where(timeWindow).Where(&models.BillRun{ExecutionType: executionTypeRes}).Find(&([]*models.BillRun{})).Scan(&o2).Error; e2 != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the billruns in the system for [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", executionTypeRes, e2)
e = fmt.Errorf("%v search gave problems. Error: %v. Error chain: %v", executionTypeRes, e2, e)
o = append(o1, o2...)
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] [ %v ] billruns retrieved from the system.\n", len(o))
// ListInvoices job is to provide the list of invoices saved in the system.
// It admits the use of and invoice model to filter the results.
// Parameters:
// - model: optional Invoice model with data set to be used as a filter.
// Returns:
// - o: slice of Invoice containing the invoices matching the filter in the system.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) ListInvoices(model *models.Invoice) (o []*models.Invoice, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to retrieve all the invoices in the system.\n")
if e = d.Db.Where(model).Find(&o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the invoices from the system. Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
l.Debug.Printf("[DB] [ %v ] invoices retrieved from the system.\n", len(o))
// getPeriods job is to generate all the possibles invoicing periods that the
// system could be able to safely generate and invoice for based on the day
// marked by today, being the default behaviour to consider today as time.Now().
// Parameters:
// - today: an optional time.Time contained an overrider date.
// Returns:
// - periods: a map[string]period containing all the possibles periods for
// invoicing that can be used considering today as the actual day
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) getPeriods(today time.Time) (periods map[string]period) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Getting the time periods windows for the autonomous invoices.\n")
now := time.Now()
periods = make(map[string]period)
if !today.IsZero() {
now = today
for id, v := range periodicity {
var end, start time.Time
switch id {
case "daily":
end = now
start = end.AddDate(0, 0, -v)
case "weekly", "bi-weekly":
multiplier := int(now.Weekday()) - 1
if multiplier < 0 {
multiplier = 6
end = now.AddDate(0, 0, -multiplier)
start = end.AddDate(0, 0, -v)
case "monthly", "bi-monthly", "quarterly", "semi-annually":
if int(now.Month()) < (v + 1) {
month := 12 - v + 1
start = time.Date(now.Year()-1, time.Month(month), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end = time.Date(now.Year(), time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
} else {
month := ((int(now.Month()) - 1) % v) * v
start = time.Date(now.Year(), time.Month(month), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end = time.Date(now.Year(), time.Month(month+v+1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
case "annually":
start = time.Date(now.Year()-1, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end = time.Date(now.Year(), time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
f := strfmt.DateTime(time.Date(start.Year(), start.Month(), start.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
t := strfmt.DateTime(time.Date(end.Year(), end.Month(), end.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
periods[id] = period{from: f, to: t}
// InvoicesGeneration job is to initiate a billrun process.
// Specifically its function is to automatically retrieve every reseller and
// customer in the system with their corresponding linked poroducts, select the
// adecuate time for its invoice and start the pool of workers and feed it.
// It also includes the option to override several parts and be used as a way to
// re-run and/or run specific invoice generations.
// Parameters:
// - metadata: the map[string]interface channel used to send the information
// needed for the invoice generation process.
// - token: a string with an optional keycloak bearer token.
func (d *DbParameter) InvoicesGeneration(metadata map[string]interface{}, token string) {
var today time.Time
var wg *sync.WaitGroup
var pipe chan<- map[string]interface{}
if t, exists := metadata["today"]; exists || metadata == nil {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Starting the autonomous invoice generation pre-processing.\n")
if t != nil {
today = (time.Time)(t.(strfmt.DateTime))
// 1) Generate periods of time according to date and generate a billrun for each
periods := d.getPeriods(today)
// 2) List all resellers and customers
r, e := d.Cache.Get("ALL", "reseller", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the resellers. Error: %v\n", e)
resellers := r.([]*cusModels.Reseller)
c, e := d.Cache.Get("ALL", "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the customers. Error: %v\n", e)
customers := c.([]*cusModels.Customer)
// 3) Separate them by invoicing periods adding the dates from before
resellersByPeriod := make(map[string][]string)
cdrByReseller := make(map[string][]string)
for i := range resellers {
if !(*resellers[i].Billable) {
resellersByPeriod[*resellers[i].BillPeriod] = append(resellersByPeriod[*resellers[i].BillPeriod], resellers[i].ResellerID)
r, e := d.Cache.Get(resellers[i].ResellerID, "reseller", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the reseller [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", resellers[i].ResellerID, e)
reseller := r.(cusModels.Reseller)
for j := range reseller.Customers {
for k := range reseller.Customers[j].Products {
cdrByReseller[resellers[i].ResellerID] = append(cdrByReseller[resellers[i].ResellerID], reseller.Customers[j].Products[k].ProductID)
customersByPeriod := make(map[string][]string)
cdrByCustomer := make(map[string][]string)
for i := range customers {
if !(*customers[i].Billable) {
customersByPeriod[*customers[i].BillPeriod] = append(customersByPeriod[*customers[i].BillPeriod], customers[i].CustomerID)
c, e := d.Cache.Get(customers[i].CustomerID, "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the customer [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", customers[i].CustomerID, e)
customer := c.(cusModels.Customer)
for j := range customer.Products {
cdrByCustomer[customers[i].CustomerID] = append(cdrByCustomer[customers[i].CustomerID], customer.Products[j].ProductID)
// 4) invocation of ProcessInvoice with each reseller generating the metadata needed
billrunSize := int64(0)
for _, n := range resellersByPeriod {
billrunSize += int64(len(n))
for _, n := range customersByPeriod {
billrunSize += int64(len(n))
billrunID, e := d.createBillRun(billrunSize, "System-wide autonomous generation")
if e != nil {
if billrunID != "" {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something unexpected is actually happening... Will keep working as if nothing.Error: %v\n", e)
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something wrong happened when creating a new billrun, check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", e)
wg, pipe = d.startPool(billrunSize)
for i, p := range periods {
for _, res := range resellersByPeriod[i] {
invoice, e := d.createInvoice(p, res, "reseller")
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something wrong happened when creating a new invoice for org [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", res, e)
md := make(map[string]interface{})
md["type"] = "reseller"
md["organization"] = res
md["billrun"] = billrunID
md["period"] = p
md["cdr"] = strings.Join(cdrByReseller[res], ",")
md["token"] = token
md["invoice"] = invoice
pipe <- md
for _, cus := range customersByPeriod[i] {
invoice, e := d.createInvoice(p, cus, "customer")
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something wrong happened when creating a new invoice for org [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", cus, e)
md := make(map[string]interface{})
md["type"] = "customer"
md["organization"] = cus
md["billrun"] = billrunID
md["period"] = p
md["cdr"] = strings.Join(cdrByCustomer[cus], ",")
md["token"] = token
md["invoice"] = invoice
pipe <- md
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Starting the invoice generation pre-processing for specific reseller/customer.\n")
var periods map[string]period
var customers []string
var today time.Time
var cdrs []string
var window period
var ty string
var e error
cuscdrs := make(map[string][]string)
periods = d.getPeriods(today)
if org, exists := metadata["reseller"]; exists {
r, e := d.Cache.Get(org, "reseller", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the reseller. Error: %v\n", e)
o := r.(cusModels.Reseller)
window = periods[*o.BillPeriod]
ty = "reseller"
for i := range o.Customers {
customers = append(customers, o.Customers[i].CustomerID)
var cuscdr []string
for j := range o.Customers[i].Products {
cdrs = append(cdrs, o.Customers[i].Products[j].ProductID)
cuscdr = append(cuscdr, o.Customers[i].Products[j].ProductID)
cuscdrs[o.Customers[i].CustomerID] = cuscdr
if org, exists := metadata["customer"]; exists {
c, e := d.Cache.Get(org, "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the customer. Error: %v\n", e)
o := c.(cusModels.Customer)
window = periods[*o.BillPeriod]
ty = "customer"
for i := range o.Products {
cdrs = append(cdrs, o.Products[i].ProductID)
if value, exists := metadata["period"]; exists {
window = value.(period)
invoice, e := d.createInvoice(window, metadata[ty].(string), ty)
if e != nil || invoice == "" {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something wrong happened when creating a new invoice for org [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", metadata[ty], e)
wg, pipe = d.startPool(int64(1 + len(customers)))
md := make(map[string]interface{})
md["type"] = ty
md["organization"] = metadata[ty]
md["billrun"] = metadata["billrun"]
md["period"] = window
md["cdr"] = strings.Join(cdrs, ",")
md["token"] = token
md["invoice"] = invoice
pipe <- md
if len(customers) != 0 {
b := models.BillRun{
ID: metadata["billrun"].(strfmt.UUID),
InvoicesCount: int64(1 + len(customers)),
if e = d.updateBillrun(b); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] The invoices count of the billrun [ %v ] couldn't be updated. Error: %v.\n", metadata["billrun"], e)
for _, cus := range customers {
invoice, e := d.createInvoice(window, cus, "customer")
if e != nil && invoice == "" {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something wrong happened when creating a new invoice for org [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", cus, e)
md := make(map[string]interface{})
md["type"] = "customer"
md["organization"] = cus
md["billrun"] = metadata["billrun"]
md["period"] = window
md["cdr"] = strings.Join(cuscdrs[cus], ",")
md["token"] = token
md["invoice"] = invoice
pipe <- md
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Invoice generation pre-processing completed.\n")
// startPool job is to initiate the pool of workers and provide to the invoker
// with the associated waitgroup and the feed channel to add task to the pool.
// Parameters:
// - buffer: the expected size of taks the pool will need to handle.
// Returns:
// - the WaitGroup linked to the pool of workers.
// - the map[string]interface channel used to send the information needed for
// the invoice generation process.
func (d *DbParameter) startPool(buffer int64) (*sync.WaitGroup, chan<- map[string]interface{}) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][WorkersPool] Pool start invoked!.\n")
if d.workersPool.bufferSize < buffer {
d.workersPool.bufferSize = buffer
if !d.workersPool.poolActive {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][WorkersPool] Pool inactive, generating one.\n")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
d.workersPool.poolActive = true
d.workersPool.sync = &wg
d.workersPool.results = make(chan workerResult, d.workersPool.bufferSize)
d.workersPool.metadata = make(chan map[string]interface{}, d.workersPool.bufferSize)
for i := 0; i < d.workersPool.workers; i++ {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][WorkersPool] Starting pool worker #%v.\n", i)
go d.invoiceProcessor(i, d.workersPool.metadata, d.workersPool.results)
go d.poolResults(d.workersPool.sync, d.workersPool.results)
go d.endPool(d.workersPool.sync, d.workersPool.metadata, d.workersPool.results)
return d.workersPool.sync, d.workersPool.metadata
// poolResults job is to process the results of the concurrent invoice
// generation processes and update the linked billrun accordingly.
// Parameters:
// - wg: the WaitGroup linked to the pool of workers.
// - results: a workerResult channel to receive the results of the invoice
// generation process.
func (d *DbParameter) poolResults(wg *sync.WaitGroup, results <-chan workerResult) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker] Results processing worker started.\n")
for r := range results {
b := models.BillRun{
ID: r.billrun,
AmountInvoiced: r.amount,
OrganizationsInvolved: pq.StringArray([]string{r.organization}),
Status: &r.status,
if e := d.updateBillrun(b); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker] Billrun [ %v ][ %v ] couldn't be updated, check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", r.billrun, r.organization, e)
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker] Billrun [ %v ] updated successfully.\n", r.billrun)
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker] Results channel closed, worker task completed.\n")
// endPool job is to wait until all the information in the metadata channel
// has been consummed by the workers and then close the channels used by the
// pool of workers.
// Parameters:
// - wg: the WaitGroup linked to the pool of workers.
// - metadata: a map[string]interface channel used to send the information
// needed for the invoice generation process.
// - results: a workerResult channel to report the results of the invoice
// generation process.
func (d *DbParameter) endPool(wg *sync.WaitGroup, metadata chan map[string]interface{}, results chan workerResult) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][WorkersPool] Clean pool mechanism invoked and waiting for workers to finish.\n")
d.workersPool.poolActive = false
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][WorkersPool] Workers finished, pool cleaning process completed.\n")
// invoiceProcessor is the core-function of the workers in the pool, its job
// is to generate an invoice based on the information provided based on the
// information provided via the metadata channel and provide the reults of
// the generation back via the resutls channel.
// Parameters:
// - metadata: a map[string]interface channel to receive objects containing all
// the data needed to generate an invoice.
// - results: a workerResult channel to report the end result of the processing.
func (d *DbParameter) invoiceProcessor(worker int, metadata <-chan map[string]interface{}, results chan<- workerResult) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Starting an invoce processing worker.\n", worker)
// meta: org, type, cdrs, billrun, period, regenerate(bool)
for m := range metadata {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Starting processing of organization [ %v ].\n", worker, m["organization"])
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Invoice processing started"}).Inc()
countTime := time.Now().UnixNano()
var invoice models.Invoice
var items []datamodels.JSONdb
discount := float64(0)
invoiceTotal := float64(0)
invoice.Items = make(datamodels.JSONdb)
// 0) put everything in vars
token := m["token"].(string)
orgID := m["organization"].(string)
orgType := m["type"].(string)
orgCDRs := m["cdr"].(string)
billrunID := m["billrun"].(strfmt.UUID)
invoicePeriod := m["period"].(period)
invoiceID := m["invoice"].(strfmt.UUID)
resultERROR := workerResult{
amount: float64(0),
billrun: billrunID,
organization: orgID,
status: "ERROR",
// 1) invoice to processing
state := "PROCESSING"
invoice.ID = invoiceID
invoice.BillRunID = billrunID
invoice.OrganizationID = orgID
invoice.Status = &state
// 6) save/update the complete invoice
if e := d.updateInvoice(invoice); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't update the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
// 2) get the CDRs and skus
var CDRs []*cdrModels.CReport
for _, o := range strings.Split(orgCDRs, ",") {
id := fmt.Sprintf("%v?%v?%v", o, invoicePeriod.from,
cdr, e := d.Cache.Get(id, "cdr", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Something went wrong while retrieving the associated CDRs. Error: %v\n", worker, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
CDRs = append(CDRs, cdr.([]*cdrModels.CReport)...)
s, e := d.Cache.Get("ALL", "sku", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Something went wrong while retrieving the sku list. Error: %v\n", worker, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
SKUs := make(map[string]string)
for _, k := range s.([]*pmModels.Sku) {
SKUs[*k.Name] = k.ID
// 3) get the details of the organization and fill the invoice
if orgType == "reseller" {
r, e := d.Cache.Get(orgID, "reseller", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Something went wrong while retrieving the reseller. Error: %v\n", worker, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
o := r.(cusModels.Reseller)
invoice.BillingContact = o.BillContact
invoice.Currency = o.BillCurrency
invoice.OrganizationName = o.Name
discount = o.Discount
} else {
c, e := d.Cache.Get(orgID, "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Something went wrong while retrieving the customer. Error: %v\n", worker, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
o := c.(cusModels.Customer)
invoice.BillingContact = o.BillContact
invoice.Currency = o.BillCurrency
invoice.OrganizationName = o.Name
discount = o.Discount
// 4) process the CDRs
// we split the load by product/account
for _, product := range strings.Split(orgCDRs, ",") {
if product == "" {
var costBreakup []datamodels.JSONdb
grossCost := float64(0)
acc := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
acc["ID"] = product
acc["discountRate"] = discount
custId, custName, e := d.getCustomerData(product, token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Something went wrong while retrieving the customer data linked to product [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", worker, product, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
acc["customerID"] = custId
acc["customerName"] = custName
// let's go sku by sku
for kind := range SKUs {
var resourceList []datamodels.JSONdb
skudata := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
cost := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
skudata["skuName"] = kind
skudata["skuCost"] = float64(0)
skudata["skuAggregatedDiscount"] = float64(0)
skudata["skuNet"] = float64(0)
// go through the cdrs looking for the product id
for i := range CDRs {
if CDRs[i].AccountID != product {
usage := CDRs[i].Usage
// once found let's go across the usage
for j := range usage {
// if not the type, skip
if usage[j].ResourceType != kind {
// if it's server, let's check in detail
if usage[j].ResourceType != "server" {
data := usage[j]
resource := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
// In case the resource doesn't have id/name let's use the sku to identify it somehow
if data.ResourceID != "" {
resource["resourceID"] = data.ResourceID
} else {
resource["resourceID"] = kind
if data.ResourceName != "" {
resource["resourceName"] = data.ResourceName
} else {
resource["resourceName"] = kind
resource["metadata"] = data.Metadata
resource["usage"] = data.UsageBreakup
resource["skuUnits"] = d.getFloat(float64(1) / float64(3))
skuCostBreakup := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
// Update of costs
if data.Cost["costBreakup"] != nil {
for _, value := range data.Cost["costBreakup"].([]interface{}) {
k := value.(map[string]interface{})
if k["sku"] != kind {
skudata["skuNet"] = d.getFloat(skudata["skuNet"]) + d.getFloat(k["sku-net"])
skudata["skuCost"] = d.getFloat(skudata["skuCost"]) + d.getFloat(k["sku-cost"])
skuCostBreakup[k["sku-state"].(string)] = d.getFloat(skuCostBreakup[k["sku-state"].(string)]) + d.getFloat(k["sku-net"])
resource["costBreakup"] = skuCostBreakup
// if sku not found, skip
if len(skuCostBreakup) == 0 {
// resourceList update...
for i, duplicated := range resourceList {
// if the resource is already in the list, create a newone = oldOne + newData
if duplicated["resourceID"].(string) == resource["resourceID"].(string) &&
duplicated["resourceName"].(string) == resource["resourceName"].(string) &&
fmt.Sprintf("%v", duplicated["metadata"]) == fmt.Sprintf("%v", resource["metadata"]) {
newResource := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
if data.ResourceID != "" {
newResource["resourceID"] = data.ResourceID
} else {
newResource["resourceID"] = kind
if data.ResourceName != "" {
newResource["resourceName"] = data.ResourceName
} else {
newResource["resourceName"] = kind
newResource["metadata"] = data.Metadata
newResource["skuUnits"] = d.getFloat(float64(1)/float64(3)) + d.getFloat(duplicated["skuUnits"])
newUse := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
newCost := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
oldCost := duplicated["costBreakup"].(datamodels.JSONdb)
oldUse := duplicated["usage"].(datamodels.JSONdb)
for x, v := range data.UsageBreakup {
if oUse, exists := oldUse[x]; exists {
newUse[x] = d.getFloat(oUse) + d.getFloat(v)
} else {
newUse[x] = d.getFloat(v)
for x, v := range skuCostBreakup {
if oCost, exists := oldCost[x]; exists {
newCost[x] = d.getFloat(oCost) + d.getFloat(v)
} else {
newUse[x] = d.getFloat(v)
newResource["usage"] = newUse
newResource["costBreakup"] = newCost
resourceList[i] = newResource
continue UsageLoop
resourceList = append(resourceList, resource)
if d.getFloat(skudata["skuNet"]) == float64(0) {
skudata["skuAggregatedDiscount"] = d.getNiceFloat(d.getFloat(skudata["skuCost"]) - d.getFloat(skudata["skuNet"]))
cost["sku"] = skudata
cost["resourceList"] = resourceList
grossCost = grossCost + d.getFloat(skudata["skuNet"])
costBreakup = append(costBreakup, cost)
acc["grossCost"] = d.getNiceFloat(grossCost)
acc["discount"] = d.getNiceFloat(grossCost * discount)
acc["netCost"] = d.getNiceFloat(grossCost - (grossCost * discount))
acc["costBreakup"] = costBreakup
items = append(items, acc)
invoiceTotal = invoiceTotal + d.getNiceFloat(grossCost-(grossCost*discount))
// 5) complete the invoice
invoice.AmountInvoiced = invoiceTotal
invoice.Items["accounts"] = items
state = "FINISHED"
invoice.Status = &state
// 6) save/update the complete invoice
if e := d.updateInvoice(invoice); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't save the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
results <- resultERROR
if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
continue MainLoop
// 7) update the billrun
// The invoices with 0 are ok now
// if invoiceTotal == float64(0) {
// l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Invoice [ %v ] has invoiced 0, discarding...", worker, invoiceID)
// results <- resultERROR
// if e = d.errorInvoice(invoiceID); e != nil {
// l.Warning.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Couldn't set as ERROR the invoice [ %v ] for organization [ %v ], check with the administrator. Error: %v\n", worker, invoiceID, orgID, e)
// }
// } else {
results <- workerResult{
amount: invoiceTotal,
billrun: billrunID,
organization: orgID,
status: "FINISHED",
// }
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] Finished processing of organization [ %v ].\n", worker, m["organization"])
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Invoices processing completed"}).Inc()
invTime += float64(time.Now().UnixNano() - countTime)
d.Metrics["time"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Invoice generation average time"}).Set(invTime / invTotal / float64(time.Millisecond))
l.Trace.Printf("[DB][Worker #%v] No more data to be processed, stopping worker.\n", worker)
// getCustomerData job is to retrieve the id and name associated to the customer
// whose product id is provided.
// Parameters:
// - p: string with the product id.
// - token: a string with an optional keycloak bearer token.
// Returns:
// - id: string with the linked customer id.
// - name: string with the linked customer name.
func (d *DbParameter) getCustomerData(p, token string) (id, name string, err error) {
x, e := d.Cache.Get(p, "product", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the product info for id [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", p, e)
err = e
product := x.(cusModels.Product)
c, e := d.Cache.Get(product.CustomerID, "customer", token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving the customer info for id [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", product.CustomerID, e)
err = e
customer := c.(cusModels.Customer)
id = customer.CustomerID
name = customer.Name
// updateBillrun job is to update the information of the billrun saved in
// the system with the information provided in the incoming billrun object.
// Parameters:
// - o: billrun object with the date to update in the system.
// Returns:
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) updateBillrun(o models.BillRun) (e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to update the billrun [ %v ].\n", o.ID)
var origin models.BillRun
r := d.Db.Where(&models.BillRun{ID: o.ID}).First(&origin).Error
if errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong, billrun [ %v ] not found in the system.\n", o.ID)
e = errors.New("billrun not found")
if r != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong. Error: %v\n", r)
e = r
} else {
// The update itself
if o.Status != nil && *o.Status == "ERROR" {
if len(o.OrganizationsInvolved) > 0 && !d.contains(origin.InvoicesErrorList, o.OrganizationsInvolved[0]) {
o.InvoicesErrorList = append(origin.InvoicesErrorList, o.OrganizationsInvolved[0])
} else {
o.InvoicesErrorList = origin.InvoicesErrorList
o.InvoicesErrorCount = int64(len(o.InvoicesErrorList))
} else {
status := "PROCESSING"
o.Status = &status
if len(o.OrganizationsInvolved) > 0 && !d.contains(origin.OrganizationsInvolved, o.OrganizationsInvolved[0]) {
o.OrganizationsInvolved = append(origin.OrganizationsInvolved, o.OrganizationsInvolved[0])
} else {
o.OrganizationsInvolved = origin.OrganizationsInvolved
o.InvoicesProcessedCount = int64(len(o.OrganizationsInvolved))
o.AmountInvoiced += origin.AmountInvoiced
if (origin.InvoicesCount-preProcFailedInvoices[o.ID] <= o.InvoicesProcessedCount) && (o.Status != nil && (*o.Status != "ERROR" || o.InvoicesErrorCount <= 0)) {
d.Metrics["count"].With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Billruns completed"}).Inc()
status := "FINISHED"
o.Status = &status
if e = d.Db.Model(origin).Updates(o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while updating the billrun [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", o.ID, e)
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Billrun [ %v ] updated successfully.\n", o.ID)
// updateInvoice job is to update the information of the invoice saved in
// the system with the information provided in the incoming invoice object.
// Parameters:
// - o: invoice object with the date to update in the system.
// Returns:
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) updateInvoice(o models.Invoice) (e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to update the invoice [ %v ].\n", o.ID)
var origin models.Invoice
r := d.Db.Where(&models.Invoice{ID: o.ID}).First(&origin).Error
if errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong, invoice [ %v ] not found in the system.\n", o.ID)
e = errors.New("invoice not found")
if r != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong. Error: %v\n", r)
e = errors.New("invoice not found")
} else {
if e = d.Db.Model(origin).Updates(o).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while updating the invoice [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", o.ID, e)
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Invoice [ %v ] updated successfully.\n", o.ID)
// errorInvoice job is to mark the invoice linked to the provided ID
// with ERROR status.
// Parameters:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the invoice to ERROR.
// Returns:
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) errorInvoice(id strfmt.UUID) (e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to delete de failed invoice [ %v ].\n", id)
var origin models.Invoice
r := d.Db.Where(&models.Invoice{ID: id}).First(&origin).Error
if errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong, invoice [ %v ] not found in the system.\n", id)
e = errors.New("invoice not found")
if r != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong. Error: %v\n", r)
e = errors.New("invoice not found")
} else {
status := "ERROR"
if e = d.Db.Model(origin).Updates(&models.Invoice{Status: &status}).Error; e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while ERRORing the invoice [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", id, e)
} else {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Invoice [ %v ] ERRORed successfully.\n", id)
// getCDRS job is to retrieve the list of products linked to an organization ID
// double checking if it's a reseller or a customer, providing this information
// also with the retrieved list.
// Parameters:
// - orgID: a string with the organization ID whose product list is going
// to be retrieved.
// - token: a string with an optional keycloak bearer token.
// Returns:
// - ty: string containing the type of organization
// - cdrs: string containing a coma-separated list with the IDs of the linked
// products to the specified organization.
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) getCDRS(orgID, token string) (ty, cdrs string, err error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to get the CDRs for the organization [ %v ].\n", orgID)
var customers []*cusModels.Customer
ty = "reseller"
r, e := d.Cache.Get(orgID, ty, token)
if e != nil {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving de organization [ %v ] as a reseller, trying with it as a customer... Error: %v\n", orgID, e)
ty = "customer"
c, e := d.Cache.Get(orgID, ty, token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving de organization [ %v ] as a customer. Error: %v\n", orgID, e)
err = e
customer := c.(cusModels.Customer)
customers = append(customers, &customer)
} else {
reseller := r.(cusModels.Reseller)
customers = append(customers, reseller.Customers...)
for i := range customers {
customer := *customers[i]
for j := range customer.Products {
if cdrs != "" {
cdrs = string(customer.Products[j].ProductID)
} else {
cdrs = cdrs + "," + string(customer.Products[j].ProductID)
// ReRunBillRun processes the billruns in the system and re-run them in order
// to try to fix the ones that failed.
// Parameters:
// - id: a UUID string with the associated ID to the billrun that should be check.
// - months: int64 indicating the amount of months to go back in time to check
// for failed billruns.
// - token: a string with an optional keycloak bearer token.
// Returns:
// - status: a int indicating the result of the reRun execution
// - e in case of any error happening.
func (d *DbParameter) ReRunBillRun(id strfmt.UUID, months *int64, token string) (status int, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Attempting to re-run failed invoices on billrun [ %v ].\n", id)
var pipe chan<- map[string]interface{}
var invoices []*models.Invoice
var wg *sync.WaitGroup
var timeWindow string
var f, t time.Time
state := "FINISHED"
if id == "" {
m := int64(3)
if months != nil {
m = *months
timeWindow = d.getWindow("GenerationTimestamp", m)
r := d.Db.Where(timeWindow).Not(&models.Invoice{Status: &state}).Where(&models.Invoice{BillRunID: id}).Find(&invoices).Error
if errors.Is(r, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
status = StatusMissing
e = errors.New("there's nothing to re-run")
if r != nil {
status = StatusFail
e = r
} else {
status = StatusOK
for _, invoice := range invoices {
wg, pipe = d.startPool(int64(100))
f = (time.Time)(invoice.PeriodStartDate)
from := time.Date(f.Year(), f.Month(), f.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
t = (time.Time)(invoice.PeriodEndDate)
to := time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
ty, cdrs, e := d.getCDRS(invoice.OrganizationID, token)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[DB] Something went wrong while retrieving de cdrs associated to the organization [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", invoice.OrganizationID, e)
md := make(map[string]interface{})
md["type"] = ty
md["organization"] = invoice.OrganizationID
md["billrun"] = invoice.BillRunID
md["cdr"] = cdrs
md["regenerate"] = true
md["token"] = token
md["invoice"] = invoice.ID
md["period"] = period{
from: (strfmt.DateTime)(from),
to: (strfmt.DateTime)(to),
pipe <- md