Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
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package main
import (
l ""
type basicUserData struct {
UserSub string
type userInfo struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Firstname string `json:"firstname"`
Lastname string `json:"lastname"`
EmailAddress string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"emailverified"`
ID string `json:"id"`
// AuthAPIKey (Swagger func) assures that the token provided when connecting to
// the API is the one presented in the config file as the valid token for the
// deployment.
func AuthAPIKey(token string) (i interface{}, e error) {
l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] APIKey Authentication: Trying entry with token: %v\n", token)
if !cfg.APIKey.Enabled {
e = errors.New("the API Key authentication is not active in this deployment")
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "APIKey", "state": "DISABLED"}).Inc()
if cfg.APIKey.Token == token {
i = basicUserData{
UserSub: token,
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "APIKey", "state": "ACCESS GRANTED"}).Inc()
} else {
e = errors.New("provided token is not valid")
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "APIKey", "state": "INVALID TOKEN"}).Inc()
// AuthKeycloak (Swagger func) is called whenever it is necessary to check if a
// token which is presented to access an API is valid.
// The functions assumes that in keycloak the roles are going to be in uppercase
// and in the form of SCOPE_ROLE.
// Example:
// ADMIN_ROLE <-> scope admin
func AuthKeycloak(token string, scopes []string) (i interface{}, returnErr error) {
l.Debug.Printf("[SECURITY] AuthKeycloak: Performing authentication check - token = %v...%v\n", token, scopes)
if !cfg.Keycloak.Enabled {
returnErr = errors.New("the Keycloak authentication is not active in this deployment")
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "Keycloak", "state": "DISABLED"}).Inc()
keycloakService := getKeycloakService(cfg.Keycloak)
client := gocloak.NewClient(keycloakService)
ctx := context.Background()
_, err := client.LoginClient(ctx, cfg.Keycloak.ClientID, cfg.Keycloak.ClientSecret, cfg.Keycloak.Realm)
// clientToken, err := client.LoginClient(ctx, cfg.Keycloak.ClientID, cfg.Keycloak.ClientSecret, cfg.Keycloak.Realm)
if err != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] Problems logging in to keycloak. Error: %v\n", err.Error())
returnErr = errors.New("unable to log in to keycloak")
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "Keycloak", "state": "FAIL: Keycloak Server unavailable"}).Inc()
u, err := client.GetUserInfo(ctx, token, cfg.Keycloak.Realm)
if err != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] Problems getting user Info. Error: %v\n", err.Error())
returnErr = errors.New("unable to get userInfo from keycloak")
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "Keycloak", "state": "FAIL: Keycloak Server unavailable userInfo"}).Inc()
if u != nil {
i = basicUserData{
UserSub: *u.Sub,
metricSecurity.With(prometheus.Labels{"mode": "Keycloak", "state": "ACCESS GRANTED"}).Inc()
// userRoles := make(map[string]bool)
// roles, err := client.GetRoleMappingByUserID(ctx, clientToken.AccessToken, cfg.Keycloak.Realm, *u.Sub)
// if err != nil {
// l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] Problems getting roles by user ID. Error:\n" + err.Error())
// returnErr = errors.New("unable to retrieve user roles from keycloak")
// return
// }
// for _, m := range roles.RealmMappings {
// userRoles[*m.Name] = true
// }
// ug, err := client.GetUserGroups(ctx, clientToken.AccessToken, cfg.Keycloak.Realm, *u.Sub)
// if err != nil {
// l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] Problems getting groups by user ID. Error:\n" + err.Error())
// returnErr = errors.New("unable to get user groups from keycloak")
// return
// }
// for _, m := range ug {
// roles, err := client.GetRoleMappingByGroupID(ctx, clientToken.AccessToken, cfg.Keycloak.Realm, *m.ID)
// if err != nil {
// l.Warning.Printf("[SECURITY] Problems getting roles by group ID. Error:\n" + err.Error())
// returnErr = errors.New("unable get groups roles from keycloak")
// return
// }
// for _, n := range roles.RealmMappings {
// userRoles[*n.Name] = true
// }
// }
// control := false
// for _, sc := range scopes {
// if userRoles[strings.ToUpper(sc)+"_ROLE"] {
// control = true
// }
// }
// if !control {
// returnErr = errors2.New(401, "The required role is not present in the user permissions")
// return
// }
// getKeycloaktService returns the keycloak service; note that there has to be exceptional
// handling of port 80 and port 443
func getKeycloakService(c keycloakConfig) (s string) {
if c.UseHTTP {
s = "http://" + c.Host
if c.Port != 80 {
s = s + ":" + strconv.Itoa(c.Port)
} else {
s = "https://" + c.Host
if c.Port != 443 {
s = s + ":" + strconv.Itoa(c.Port)