Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
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package main
import (
httptransport ""
cdrClient ""
cdrUsage ""
cusClient ""
cusCustomer ""
cusProduct ""
cusReseller ""
pmClient ""
pmBundle ""
pmCycle ""
pmPlan ""
pmSku ""
l ""
// cacheStart handles the initialization of the cache mechanism service.
// Returns:
// - A cacheManager reference struct already initialized and ready to be used.
func cacheStart(metrics *prometheus.GaugeVec) *cacheManager.CacheManager {
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Intializing cache mechanism.\n")
cacheDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(cfg.DB.CacheRetention)
c := cacheManager.New(metrics, cacheDuration, cfg.APIKey.Token)
resellerFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := cusClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["customerdb"],
Path: cusClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := cusClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
i := id.(string)
if i != "ALL" {
params := cusReseller.NewGetResellerParams().WithID(i)
r, e := client.ResellerManagement.GetReseller(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the reseller with id [ %v ]. Error: %v", i, e)
return nil, e
return *r.Payload, nil
params := cusReseller.NewListResellersParams()
r, e := client.ResellerManagement.ListResellers(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the list of resellers. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
customerFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := cusClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["customerdb"],
Path: cusClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := cusClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
i := id.(string)
if i != "ALL" {
params := cusCustomer.NewGetCustomerParams().WithID(i)
r, e := client.CustomerManagement.GetCustomer(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the customer with id [ %v ]. Error: %v", i, e)
return nil, e
return *r.Payload, nil
params := cusCustomer.NewListCustomersParams()
r, e := client.CustomerManagement.ListCustomers(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the list of customers. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
productFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := cusClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["customerdb"],
Path: cusClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := cusClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
i := id.(string)
if i != "ALL" {
params := cusProduct.NewGetProductParams().WithID(i)
r, e := client.ProductManagement.GetProduct(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the product with id [ %v ]. Error: %v", i, e)
return nil, e
return *r.Payload, nil
params := cusProduct.NewListProductsParams()
r, e := client.ProductManagement.ListProducts(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CUSDB-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the list of products. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
// id == id0[,id1,...,idN]?from?to
cdrFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := cdrClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["cdr"],
Path: cdrClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
idSplit := strings.SplitN(id.(string), "?", 3)
i := idSplit[0]
from, e := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, idSplit[1])
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CDR-FUNCTION] There was a problem while parsing the datetime [ %v ]. Error: %v", idSplit[1], e)
return nil, e
f := (strfmt.DateTime)(from)
to, e := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, idSplit[2])
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CDR-FUNCTION] There was a problem while parsing the datetime [ %v ]. Error: %v", idSplit[2], e)
return nil, e
t := (strfmt.DateTime)(to)
client := cdrClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
if strings.Contains(i, ",") {
params := cdrUsage.NewGetSystemUsageParams().WithIdlist(&i).WithFrom(&f).WithTo(&t)
r, e := client.UsageManagement.GetSystemUsage(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CDR-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving all the CDRs from the system. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
if i != "ALL" {
params := cdrUsage.NewGetUsageParams().WithID(i).WithFrom(&f).WithTo(&t)
r, e := client.UsageManagement.GetUsage(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CDR-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the CDRs under the id [ %v ]. Error: %v", id, e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
params := cdrUsage.NewGetSystemUsageParams().WithFrom(&f).WithTo(&t)
r, e := client.UsageManagement.GetSystemUsage(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CDR-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving all the CDRs from the system. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
skuFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := pmClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["planmanager"],
Path: pmClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := pmClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
if id.(string) != "ALL" {
params := pmSku.NewGetSkuParams().WithID(id.(string))
r, e := client.SkuManagement.GetSku(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][SKU-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the sku [ %v ]. Error: %v", id, e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
params := pmSku.NewListSkusParams()
r, e := client.SkuManagement.ListSkus(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][SKU-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the skus list. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
planFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := pmClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["planmanager"],
Path: pmClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := pmClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
if id.(string) != "ALL" {
var planID string
if id.(string) == "DEFAULT" {
planID = cfg.Plans.Default
} else {
planID = id.(string)
params := pmPlan.NewGetCompletePlanParams().WithID(planID)
r, e := client.PlanManagement.GetCompletePlan(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][PLAN-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the plan [ %v ]. Error: %v", id, e)
return nil, e
return *r.Payload, nil
params := pmPlan.NewListCompletePlansParams()
r, e := client.PlanManagement.ListCompletePlans(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][PLAN-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the plan list. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
bundleFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := pmClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["planmanager"],
Path: pmClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := pmClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
if id.(string) != "ALL" {
params := pmBundle.NewGetSkuBundleParams().WithID(id.(string))
r, e := client.BundleManagement.GetSkuBundle(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][BUNDLE-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the skubundle [ %v ]. Error: %v", id, e)
return nil, e
return *r.Payload, nil
params := pmBundle.NewListSkuBundlesParams()
r, e := client.BundleManagement.ListSkuBundles(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][BUNDLE-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the skubundle list. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
cycleFunction := func(id interface{}, token string) (interface{}, error) {
config := pmClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.General.Services["planmanager"],
Path: pmClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
if token != "" {
config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token)
client := pmClient.New(config)
ctx := context.Background()
var params *pmCycle.ListCyclesParams
if id.(string) == "ALL" {
params = pmCycle.NewListCyclesParams()
} else {
ty := id.(string)
params = pmCycle.NewListCyclesParams().WithType(&ty)
r, e := client.CycleManagement.ListCycles(ctx, params)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[CACHE][CYCLE-FUNCTION] There was a problem while retrieving the cycle list. Error: %v", e)
return nil, e
return r.Payload, nil
c.Add("reseller", resellerFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Reseller fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("customer", customerFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Customer fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("product", productFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Product fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("cdr", cdrFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] CDR usage fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("sku", skuFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] SKU fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("plan", planFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Plan fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("bundle", bundleFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] SkuBundle fetcher added to the cache.\n")
c.Add("cycle", cycleFunction)
l.Trace.Printf("[CACHE][INIT] Life Cycle fetcher added to the cache.\n")
return c