// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.

package client

// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command

import (

	rtclient "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"


const (
	// DefaultHost is the default Host
	// found in Meta (info) section of spec file
	DefaultHost string = "localhost:8000"
	// DefaultBasePath is the default BasePath
	// found in Meta (info) section of spec file
	DefaultBasePath string = "/api/v1.0"

// DefaultSchemes are the default schemes found in Meta (info) section of spec file
var DefaultSchemes = []string{"http", "https"}

type Config struct {
	// URL is the base URL of the upstream server
	URL *url.URL
	// Transport is an inner transport for the client
	Transport http.RoundTripper
	// AuthInfo is for authentication
	AuthInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter

// New creates a new customer database management HTTP client.
func New(c Config) *CustomerDatabaseManagement {
	var (
		host     = DefaultHost
		basePath = DefaultBasePath
		schemes  = DefaultSchemes

	if c.URL != nil {
		host = c.URL.Host
		basePath = c.URL.Path
		schemes = []string{c.URL.Scheme}

	transport := rtclient.New(host, basePath, schemes)
	if c.Transport != nil {
		transport.Transport = c.Transport

	cli := new(CustomerDatabaseManagement)
	cli.Transport = transport
	cli.CustomerManagement = customer_management.New(transport, strfmt.Default, c.AuthInfo)
	cli.ProductManagement = product_management.New(transport, strfmt.Default, c.AuthInfo)
	cli.ResellerManagement = reseller_management.New(transport, strfmt.Default, c.AuthInfo)
	cli.StatusManagement = status_management.New(transport, strfmt.Default, c.AuthInfo)
	cli.TriggerManagement = trigger_management.New(transport, strfmt.Default, c.AuthInfo)
	return cli

// CustomerDatabaseManagement is a client for customer database management
type CustomerDatabaseManagement struct {
	CustomerManagement *customer_management.Client
	ProductManagement  *product_management.Client
	ResellerManagement *reseller_management.Client
	StatusManagement   *status_management.Client
	TriggerManagement  *trigger_management.Client
	Transport          runtime.ClientTransport