package dbManager import ( "context" "math" "net/http" "reflect" "strings" httptransport "" "" "" "" "" "" csClient "" csAccount "" csCredit "" cusClient "" cusReseller "" cusModels "" pmClient "" udrClient "" l "" "" "" ) // Report status code vars const ( scaler = 1e4 StatusDuplicated = iota StatusFail StatusMissing StatusOK ) type Config struct { CustomerDB cusClient.Config CreditSystem csClient.Config PlanManager pmClient.Config UDR udrClient.Config OpenStack OpenStackConfig } // OpenStackConfig is the struck to hold the configuration parameters needed // for quering the flavors active in OpenStack. type OpenStackConfig struct { Domain string Filters []string Keystone string Password string Project string Regions []string Username string } // DbParameter is the struct defined to group and contain all the methods // that interact with the database. // Parameters: // - Cache: CacheManager pointer for the cache mechanism. // - connStr: strings with the connection information to the database // - Db: a gorm.DB pointer to the db to invoke all the db methods type DbParameter struct { Cache *cacheManager.CacheManager connStr string Db *gorm.DB Metrics map[string]*prometheus.GaugeVec Configs Config } // New is the function to create the struct DbParameter. // Parameters: // - dbConn: strings with the connection information to the database // - tables: array of interfaces that will contains the models to migrate // to the database on initialization // Returns: // - DbParameter: struct to interact with dbManager functionalities func New(dbConn string, tables ...interface{}) *DbParameter { l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Gerenating new DBParameter.\n") var ( dp DbParameter err error ) dp.connStr = dbConn dp.Db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dbConn), &gorm.Config{}) if err != nil { l.Error.Printf("[DB] Error opening connection. Error: %v\n", err) panic(err) } //l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Migrating tables.\n") //Database migration, it handles everything //dp.Db.AutoMigrate(tables...) //l.Trace.Printf("[DB] Generating hypertables.\n") // Hypertables creation for timescaledb in case of needed //dp.Db.Exec("SELECT create_hypertable('" + dp.Db.NewScope(&models.TABLE).TableName() + "', 'TIMESCALE-ROW-INDEX');") return &dp } // getCusClient job is to initialize a customerDB client to be able to connect // to the customerDB service. // Parameters: // - http.Request parameter to extract the keycloak bearer token if exists. // Returns: // - CustomerDB client struct for connecting to the custoimerDB service. func (m *DbParameter) getCusClient(param *http.Request) *cusClient.CustomerDatabaseManagement { config := m.Configs.CustomerDB if len(param.Header.Get("Authorization")) > 0 { token := strings.Fields(param.Header.Get("Authorization"))[1] config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token) } r := cusClient.New(config) return r } // getCSClient job is to initialize a credit system client to be able to connect // to the credit system service. // Parameters: // - http.Request parameter to extract the keycloak bearer token if exists. // Returns: // - CreditSystem client struct for connecting to the creditSystem service. func (m *DbParameter) getCSClient(param *http.Request) *csClient.CreditManagerManagementAPI { config := m.Configs.CreditSystem if len(param.Header.Get("Authorization")) > 0 { token := strings.Fields(param.Header.Get("Authorization"))[1] config.AuthInfo = httptransport.BearerToken(token) } r := csClient.New(config) return r } // getFloat job is to check the type of the interface and properly cast its // getFloat job is to check the type of the interface and properly cast its // value into a float64. // Parameters: // - i: interface that should contain a float number. // Returns: // - f: a float64 with the value contained in the interface provided. func (m *DbParameter) getFloat(i interface{}) (f float64) { var e error if i == nil { f = float64(0) return } if v := reflect.ValueOf(i); v.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { f = i.(float64) } else { f, e = i.(json.Number).Float64() if e != nil { l.Trace.Printf("[DB] GetFloat failed to convert [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", i, e) } } return } // getNiceFloat job is to turn the ugly float64 provided into a "nice looking" // one according to the scale set, so we move from a floating coma number into // a fixed coma number. // Parameters: // - i: the ugly floating coma number. // Returns: // - o: the "nice looking" fixed coma float. func (m *DbParameter) getNiceFloat(i float64) (o float64) { min := float64(float64(1) / float64(scaler)) if diff := math.Abs(i - min); diff < min { o = float64(0) } else { o = float64(math.Round(i*scaler) / scaler) } return } // getNiceFloat job is to turn the ugly float64 provided into a "nice looking" // one according to the scale set, so we move from a floating coma number into // a fixed coma number. // Parameters: // - i: the ugly floating coma number. // Returns: // - o: the "nice looking" fixed coma float. func (m *DbParameter) getNiceFloatAVG(i float64) (o float64) { scaler := 1e2 min := float64(float64(1) / float64(scaler)) if diff := math.Abs(i - min); diff < min { o = float64(0) } else { o = float64(math.Round(i*scaler) / scaler) } return } func (m *DbParameter) SyncHierarchy(ctx context.Context, param *http.Request) (state int, e error) { var resellers []*cusModels.Reseller var orgs []*models.Organization billingPeriod := "monthly" billingCurrency := "EUR" billingPlan := "1" creditsProjects := make(map[string]float64) // get all the organizations // - create a reseller entity if e = m.Db.Find(&orgs).Error; e != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error retrieving the list of orgs in the system. Error: %v\n", e) state = StatusFail return } for _, org := range orgs { var customers []*cusModels.Customer var prjs []*models.Project active := org.OrganizationStatus == "APPROVED" reseller := cusModels.Reseller{ Address: org.RegisteredAddress1 + "; " + org.RegisteredAddress2 + "; " + org.RegisteredAddress3, Billable: &active, BillContact: org.CreatedBy.String(), BillCurrency: &billingCurrency, BillPeriod: &billingPeriod, ContractStart: (strfmt.Date)(org.CreationDate), Discount: float64(0), EmailTo: org.OrganizationEmailAddress, IsActive: &active, Name: org.FormalName, PlanID: billingPlan, ResellerID: org.ID.String(), } if e = m.Db.Where(models.Project{LinkedOrganization: org.ID}).Find(&prjs).Error; e != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error retrieving the list of prjs for Organization [ %v ] in the system. Error: %v\n", org.ID, e) continue } // for each, get all the project // - create a customer entity for _, prj := range prjs { var products []*cusModels.Product var hpcres []*models.HPCResource prjActive := prj.ProjectStatus == "ACTIVE" customer := cusModels.Customer{ Billable: &prjActive, BillContact: prj.ProjectCreatedBy.String(), BillCurrency: &billingCurrency, BillPeriod: &billingPeriod, ContractEnd: (strfmt.Date)(prj.ProjectTerminationDate), ContractStart: (strfmt.Date)(prj.ProjectStartDate), CustomerID: prj.ProjectID.String(), Discount: float64(0), EmailTo: prj.ProjectContactEmail, IsActive: &prjActive, Name: prj.ProjectName, PlanID: billingPlan, ResellerID: org.ID.String(), } creditsProjects[prj.ProjectID.String()] = float64(*prj.NormCoreHours) if e = m.Db.Where(models.HPCResource{AssociatedLEXISProject: prj.ProjectID}).Find(&hpcres).Error; e != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error retrieving the list of HPCResources for Project [ %v ] in the system. Error: %v\n", prj.ProjectID, e) continue } // for each get all the HPCRes // - create a product entity for _, hpc := range hpcres { if hpc.ApprovalStatus != "ACCEPTED" { l.Info.Printf("[SYNC] HPCResource [ %v ] for Project [ %v ] not accepted yet, skipping...\n", hpc.HPCResourceID, prj.ProjectID) continue } id := hpc.OpenStackProjectID if id == "" { id = hpc.AssociatedHPCProject } product := cusModels.Product{ CustomerID: prj.ProjectID.String(), Discount: float64(0), Name: hpc.HPCProvider + " " + hpc.AssociatedHPCProject, ProductID: id, Type: hpc.HPCProvider + "-" + hpc.ResourceType, } products = append(products, &product) } customer.Products = products customers = append(customers, &customer) } reseller.Customers = customers resellers = append(resellers, &reseller) } // For each, first try to create, // if fail, then to update // if fail, ignore and continue customerDB := m.getCusClient(param) creditSystem := m.getCSClient(param) creditAccounts := make(map[string]bool) csParams := csAccount.NewListAccountsParams() r, err := creditSystem.AccountManagement.ListAccounts(ctx, csParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error retrieving the list of Credit accounts in the system. Error: %v\n", e) } else { acs := r.Payload for i := range acs { creditAccounts[acs[i].AccountID] = acs[i].Enabled } } for i := range resellers { params := cusReseller.NewAddResellerParams().WithReseller(resellers[i]) _, _, err := customerDB.ResellerManagement.AddReseller(ctx, params) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error while adding the data for reseller. Trying with an update... Error: %v", err) uParams := cusReseller.NewUpdateResellerParams().WithReseller(resellers[i]).WithID(resellers[i].ResellerID) _, _, err := customerDB.ResellerManagement.UpdateReseller(ctx, uParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error while updating the data for reseller. Error: %v", err) } } // Credit: // create account // if project active -> credit ac to enable // if credit ac previously was diable then add normCorehours as credit amount for _, customer := range resellers[i].Customers { active, exists := creditAccounts[customer.CustomerID] if exists && active { continue } if !exists { csParams := csAccount.NewCreateAccountParams().WithID(customer.CustomerID) _, err := creditSystem.AccountManagement.CreateAccount(ctx, csParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error creating the Credit accounts in the system for project [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", customer.CustomerID, err) continue } exists = true active = false } if *customer.Billable { if exists && !active { csParams := csAccount.NewEnableAccountParams().WithID(customer.CustomerID) _, err := creditSystem.AccountManagement.EnableAccount(ctx, csParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error enabling the Credit accounts in the system for project [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", customer.CustomerID, err) continue } active = true } } else { if exists && active { csParams := csAccount.NewDisableAccountParams().WithID(customer.CustomerID) _, err := creditSystem.AccountManagement.DisableAccount(ctx, csParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error disabling the Credit accounts in the system for project [ %v ]. Error: %v\n", customer.CustomerID, err) continue } active = false } } if hours, hasHours := creditsProjects[customer.CustomerID]; exists && active && hasHours { csParams := csCredit.NewIncreaseCreditParams().WithID(customer.CustomerID).WithAmount(hours).WithMedium("credit") _, err := creditSystem.CreditManagement.IncreaseCredit(ctx, csParams) if err != nil { l.Warning.Printf("[SYNC] Error setting the Credit for the account for project [ %v ] in the system. Error: %v\n", customer.CustomerID, err) continue } } } } return }