Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

318 lines
6.6 KiB

package main
import (
rgw ""
rcl ""
datamodels ""
udrModels ""
l ""
var (
collector = "Objects"
objects = "object"
collectionStart int64
// collect handles the process of retrieving the information from the system.
func collect() {
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] The collection process has been started.\n")
collectionStart = time.Now().UnixNano()
metricTime.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Collection Start Time"}).Set(float64(collectionStart))
// Here comes the logic to retrieve the information from the system.
rcfg := &rgw.Config{
AdminPath: cfg.RGW.AdminPath,
AccessKeyID: cfg.RGW.AccessKeyID,
ClientConfig: rcl.ClientConfig{
ClientTimeout: rcl.Duration(time.Second * 30),
SecretAccessKey: cfg.RGW.SecretAccessKey,
ServerURL: cfg.RGW.ServerURL,
a, e := rgw.NewAdminAPI(rcfg)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Could not authenticate with RadosGW. Not obtaining data for this period. Error: %v\n", e.Error())
users, e := a.MListUsers(context.Background())
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error reading project lists from RGW. Not obtaining data for this period. Error: %v\n", e.Error())
apiCount := 0
dropCount := 0
swg := sizedwaitgroup.New(8)
// fmt.Printf("Users = %v\n", users)
for _, user := range users {
// Goroutines start
go func(u string) {
defer swg.Done()
// filter out users which are not Openstack projects
if filterOpenstackProject(u) {
// get all buckets for given user
bucketList, e := a.BucketList(context.Background(), u)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error reading bucket list for user [ %v ] from RGW. Error: %v\n", u, e.Error())
// l.Info.Printf("bucketlist = %v\n", bucketList)
totalBuckets := len(bucketList)
aggregateBucketSize := float64(0.0)
apiCount += len(bucketList)
for _, b := range bucketList {
bucketStats, e := a.BucketStats(context.Background(), u, b)
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error reading bucket list for user [ %v ] from RGW. Error: %v\n", u, e.Error())
if len(bucketStats) == 0 {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] The length of bucket stats = 0 for the bucket [ %v ]\n", b)
} else {
d := datamodels.JSONdb{
"region": cfg.RGW.Region,
"bucket": b,
// the Usage struct contains support for a number of different RGWs...
// RGWMain, RGWShadow and a couple of others; here we just take
// RGWMain as the base - if it's null, we don't publish anything to UDR
// RGWMain contains SizeKbActual and SizeKb - SizeKBActual is used here;
// this is the usage as perceived by the user, SizeKb is a bit larger with
// the delta dependent on the basic minimum object size allocation
if bucketStats[0].Usage.RGWMain != nil {
usage := float64(bucketStats[0].Usage.RGWMain.SizeKb)
if usage != 0 {
// Here comes the transformation of the information retrieved into either
// events or usage reports to be sent.
usageReport := udrModels.Usage{
Account: u,
Metadata: d,
ResourceType: "objectstorage",
Time: time.Now().Unix(),
Unit: "GB",
Usage: float64((usage / float64(1024)) / float64(1024)),
aggregateBucketSize += usageReport.Usage
} else {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] There's no information for RGWMain for the bucket [ %v ]. Ignoring...\n", b)
l.Info.Printf("[COLLECTION] Wrote data for user [ %v ]. AggregateBucketSize [ %v ] distributed over [ %v ] buckets.\n", u, aggregateBucketSize, totalBuckets)
metricCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total Objects reported by OS API"}).Set(float64(apiCount))
metricCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total Objects DROPPED due to missing information"}).Set(float64(dropCount))
metricTime.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Collection Processing Time"}).Set(float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-collectionStart) / float64(time.Millisecond))
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Completed.\n OS Report: %v\n, Dropped: %v\n, Processing Time: %v[ms]\n", apiCount, dropCount, float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-collectionStart)/float64(time.Millisecond))
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] The collection process has been finished.\n")
// filterOpenstackProject checks if the user name looks like an Openstack
// project.
// Parameters:
// - p: string representing the user.
// Returns:
// - a bool with the result of the check.
func filterOpenstackProject(p string) bool {
_, e := hex.DecodeString(p)
return (len(p) == 32) && (e == nil)
// getStatus job is to normalize the event state returned by the collectors.
// Parameters:
// - state: string returned by the system.
// Returns:
// - status: normalized state to be returned.
func getStatus(state string) (status string) {
switch strings.ToUpper(state) {
case "ACTIVE":
status = "active"
status = "active"
status = "active"
case "BUILD":
status = "inactive"
case "CREATING":
status = "active"
case "DELETED":
status = "terminated"
case "DELETING":
status = "terminated"
status = "active"
case "DOWN":
status = "inactive"
case "ERROR":
status = "error"
status = "error"
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
case "IN-USE":
status = "active"
status = "active"
case "PAUSED":
status = "inactive"
case "RESCUED":
status = "active"
case "RESIZE":
status = "active"
case "RESIZED":
status = "active"
case "RESERVED":
status = "active"
case "RETYPING":
status = "inactive"
case "SHUTOFF":
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
case "STOPPED":
status = "inactive"
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
status = "active"
l.Trace.Printf("[REPORT] State received from the system [ %v ] normalized to [ %v ]", state, status)
return status