Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.

189 lines
4.6 KiB

package main
import (
httptransport ""
cusClient ""
eeClient ""
eeModels ""
udrModels ""
l ""
var (
version string
cfg configuration
pipeU chan interface{}
pipeE chan interface{}
reportClient *eeClient.EventEngineManagementAPI
zombiesClient *cusClient.CustomerDatabaseManagement
// kafkaStart handles the initialization of the kafka service.
// This is a sample function with the most basic usage of the kafka service, it
// should be redefined to match the needs of the service.
// Returns:
// - ch: a interface{} channel to be able to send things through the kafka topic
// generated.
func kafkaStart() (chUDR, chEvents chan interface{}) {
l.Trace.Printf("[MAIN] Intializing Kafka\n")
chUDR = make(chan interface{}, 1000)
chEvents = make(chan interface{}, 1000)
handler := kafkaHandlerConf{
out: []kafkaPackage{
topic: cfg.Kafka.TopicUDR,
channel: chUDR,
topic: cfg.Kafka.TopicEEngine,
channel: chEvents,
// report handles the process of sending the event or usage to the respective
// service.
// Parameters:
// - object: an interface{} reference with the event/usage to be sent.
func report(object interface{}) {
l.Trace.Printf("[REPORT] The reporting process has been started.\n")
if reflect.TypeOf(object) == reflect.TypeOf(udrModels.Usage{}) {
l.Trace.Printf("[REPORT] UDR Object detected. Sending through kafka.\n")
pipeU <- object
if reflect.TypeOf(object) == reflect.TypeOf(eeModels.Event{}) {
l.Trace.Printf("[REPORT] Event Object detected. Sending through kafka.\n")
pipeE <- object
fail := "the provided object doesn't belong to UDR or EE models"
l.Warning.Printf("[REPORT] Something went wrong while processing the object, check with the administrator. Error: %v.\n", fail)
func init() {
confFile := flag.String("conf", "./config", "configuration file path (without toml extension)")
//placeholder code as the default value will ensure this situation will never arise
if len(*confFile) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Usage: Collector-TYPE -conf=/path/to/configuration/file\n")
// err := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&cfg, *confFile)
viper.SetConfigName(*confFile) // name of config file (without extension)
viper.AddConfigPath(".") // path to look for the config file in
err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file
if err != nil {
// TODO(murp) - differentiate between file not found and formatting error in
// config file)
fmt.Printf("[MAIN] Failed to parse configuration data: %s\nCorrect usage: Collector-TYPE -conf=/path/to/configuration/file\n", err)
cfg = parseConfig()
e := l.InitLogger(cfg.General.LogFile, cfg.General.LogLevel, cfg.General.LogToConsole)
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("[MAIN] Initialization of the logger failed. Error: %v\n", e)
l.Info.Printf("Cyclops Labs Collector TYPE version %v initialized\n", version)
// Let's start the HTTP Server and Gauges for Prometheus
func main() {
// If needed here is the initialization for the kafka sender:
pipeU, pipeE = kafkaStart()
// Here we start the client instantiation to send reports to the EventsEngine.
eeConfig := eeClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.Services["eventsengine"],
Path: eeClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
reportClient = eeClient.New(eeConfig)
// Here we start the client instantiation to get the canceled customers to check for zombies.
cusConfig := cusClient.Config{
URL: &url.URL{
Host: cfg.Services["customerdb"],
Path: cusClient.DefaultBasePath,
Scheme: "http",
AuthInfo: httptransport.APIKeyAuth(cfg.APIKey.Key, cfg.APIKey.Place, cfg.APIKey.Token),
zombiesClient = cusClient.New(cusConfig)
// Let's lunch the first collection process..
go collect()
// cfg.General.Periodicity should be changed to cfg.General.ObjectPeriodicity
// in the case you need the long (8h) periodicity.
for range time.NewTicker(time.Duration(cfg.General.Periodicity) * time.Minute).C {
go collect()