Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package main
import (
l ""
// getService is the uService instantiation function. A sample of the elements
// that need to be personalized for a new uService are provided.
// Returns:
// - hadler: return the http.handler with the swagger and (optionally) the CORS
// configured according to the config provided
// - e: in case of any error it's propagated to the invoker
func getService() (handler http.Handler, register *prometheus.Registry, e error) {
l.Trace.Printf("[MAIN] Intializing service [ %v ] handler\n", strings.Title(service))
// TABLE0,...,N have to be customized
db := dbStart(&models.Product{}, &models.Customer{}, &models.Reseller{})
mon := statusManager.New(db)
// Prometheus Metrics linked to dbParameter
db.Metrics, register = prometheusStart()
bp := getBasePath()
// Parts of the service HERE
c := customerManager.New(db, mon, bp)
p := productManager.New(db, mon, bp)
r := resellerManager.New(db, mon, bp)
// Initiate the http handler, with the objects that are implementing the business logic.
h, e := restapi.Handler(restapi.Config{
StatusManagementAPI: mon,
CustomerManagementAPI: c,
ProductManagementAPI: p,
ResellerManagementAPI: r,
Logger: l.Info.Printf,
AuthKeycloak: AuthKeycloak,
AuthAPIKeyHeader: AuthAPIKey,
AuthAPIKeyParam: AuthAPIKey,
if e != nil {
handler = h
if cfg.General.CORSEnabled {
l.Trace.Printf("[MAIN] Enabling CORS for the service [ %v ]\n", strings.Title(service))
handler = cors.New(
Debug: (cfg.General.LogLevel == "DEBUG") || (cfg.General.LogLevel == "TRACE"),
AllowedOrigins: cfg.General.CORSOrigins,
AllowedHeaders: cfg.General.CORSHeaders,
AllowedMethods: cfg.General.CORSMethods,