Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
6.5 KiB

package main
import (
l ""
// The following structs: apikey, dbConfig, eventsConfig, generalConfig,
// kafkaConfig, and keycloakConfig are part of the configuration struct which
// acts as the main reference for configuration parameters in the system.
type apiKey struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
Key string
Place string
Token string `json:"token"`
type configuration struct {
APIKey apiKey
DB dbConfig
Events eventsConfig
General generalConfig
Kafka kafkaConfig
Keycloak keycloakConfig `json:"keycloak"`
DefaultPlans map[string]string
Prometheus prometheusConfig
type dbConfig struct {
CacheRetention string
DbName string
Host string
Password string
Port int
SSLMode string
Username string
type eventsConfig struct {
Filters []string
type generalConfig struct {
CertificateFile string `json:"certificate_file"`
CertificateKey string `json:"certificate_key"`
CORSEnabled bool
CORSHeaders []string
CORSMethods []string
CORSOrigins []string
HTTPSEnabled bool
InsecureSkipVerify bool
LogFile string
LogLevel string
LogToConsole bool
ServerPort int
Services map[string]string
type kafkaConfig struct {
Brokers []string
MaxBytes int
MinBytes int
Offset int64
Partition int
TopicsIn []string
TopicsOut []string
TLSEnabled bool
type keycloakConfig struct {
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Port int `json:"port"`
Realm string `json:"realm"`
RedirectURL string `json:"redirect_url"`
UseHTTP bool `json:"use_http"`
type planConfig struct {
Default string
type prometheusConfig struct {
Host string
MetricsExport bool
MetricsPort string
MetricsRoute string
// dumpConfig 's job is to dumps the configuration in JSON format to the log
// system. It makes use of the masking function to keep some secrecy in the log.
// Parameters:
// - c: configuration type containing the config present in the system.
func dumpConfig(c configuration) {
cfgCopy := c
// deal with configuration params that should be masked
cfgCopy.APIKey.Token = masked(c.APIKey.Token, 4)
cfgCopy.DB.Password = masked(c.DB.Password, 4)
cfgCopy.Keycloak.ClientSecret = masked(c.Keycloak.ClientSecret, 4)
// mmrshalindent creates a string containing newlines; each line starts with
// two spaces and two spaces are added for each indent...
configJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(cfgCopy, " ", " ")
l.Info.Printf("[CONFIG] Configuration settings:\n")
l.Info.Printf("%v\n", string(configJSON))
// masked 's job is to return asterisks in place of the characters in a
// string with the exception of the last indicated.
// Parameters:
// - s: string to be masked
// - unmaskedChars: int with the amount (counting from the end of the string) of
// characters to keep unmasked.
// Returns:
// - returnString: the s string passed as parameter masked.
func masked(s string, unmaskedChars int) (returnString string) {
if len(s) <= unmaskedChars {
returnString = s
asteriskString := strings.Repeat("*", (len(s) - unmaskedChars))
returnString = asteriskString + string(s[len(s)-unmaskedChars:])
// parseConfig handles the filling of the config struct with the data Viper gets
// from the configuration file.
// Returns:
// - c: the configuration struct filled with the relevant parsed configuration.
func parseConfig() (c configuration) {
l.Trace.Printf("[CONFIG] Retrieving configuration.\n")
c = configuration{
APIKey: apiKey{
Enabled: viper.GetBool("apikey.enabled"),
Key: viper.GetString("apikey.key"),
Place: viper.GetString(""),
Token: viper.GetString("apikey.token"),
DB: dbConfig{
CacheRetention: viper.GetString("database.cacheretention"),
DbName: viper.GetString("database.dbname"),
Host: viper.GetString(""),
Password: viper.GetString("database.password"),
Port: viper.GetInt("database.port"),
SSLMode: viper.GetString("database.sslmode"),
Username: viper.GetString("database.username"),
Events: eventsConfig{
Filters: viper.GetStringSlice("events.filters"),
General: generalConfig{
CertificateFile: viper.GetString("general.certificatefile"),
CertificateKey: viper.GetString("general.certificatekey"),
CORSEnabled: viper.GetBool("general.corsenabled"),
CORSHeaders: viper.GetStringSlice("general.corsheaders"),
CORSMethods: viper.GetStringSlice("general.corsmethods"),
CORSOrigins: viper.GetStringSlice("general.corsorigins"),
HTTPSEnabled: viper.GetBool("general.httpsenabled"),
InsecureSkipVerify: viper.GetBool("general.insecureskipverify"),
LogFile: viper.GetString("general.logfile"),
LogLevel: viper.GetString("general.loglevel"),
LogToConsole: viper.GetBool("general.logtoconsole"),
ServerPort: viper.GetInt("general.serverport"),
Services: viper.GetStringMapString(""),
Kafka: kafkaConfig{
Brokers: viper.GetStringSlice("kafka.brokers"),
MaxBytes: viper.GetInt("kafka.sizemax"),
MinBytes: viper.GetInt("kafka.sizemin"),
Offset: viper.GetInt64("kafka.offset"),
Partition: viper.GetInt("kafka.partition"),
TopicsIn: viper.GetStringSlice("kafka." + service + "in"),
TopicsOut: viper.GetStringSlice("kafka." + service + "out"),
TLSEnabled: viper.GetBool("kafka.tlsenabled"),
Keycloak: keycloakConfig{
ClientID: viper.GetString("keycloak.clientid"),
ClientSecret: viper.GetString("keycloak.clientsecret"),
Enabled: viper.GetBool("keycloak.enabled"),
Host: viper.GetString(""),
Port: viper.GetInt("keycloak.port"),
Realm: viper.GetString("keycloak.realm"),
RedirectURL: viper.GetString("keycloak.redirecturl"),
UseHTTP: viper.GetBool("keycloak.usehttp"),
DefaultPlans: viper.GetStringMapString("plans"),
Prometheus: prometheusConfig{
Host: viper.GetString(""),
MetricsExport: viper.GetBool("prometheus.metricsexport"),
MetricsPort: viper.GetString("prometheus.metricsport"),
MetricsRoute: viper.GetString("prometheus.metricsroute"),