Cyclops 4 HPC is the purpose built stack to support large HPC centers with resource accounting and billing of cluster as well as cloud resources.
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403 lines
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package main
import (
datamodels ""
eeEvent ""
eeModels ""
l ""
var (
collector = "Network"
objects = "ip"
remotelist []*eeModels.MinimalState
collectionStart int64
// collect handles the process of retrieving the information from the system.
func collect() {
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] The collection process has been started.\n")
collectionStart = time.Now().UnixNano()
metricTime.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Collection Start Time"}).Set(float64(collectionStart))
opts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{
IdentityEndpoint: cfg.OpenStack.Keystone,
Username: cfg.OpenStack.User,
Password: cfg.OpenStack.Password,
DomainName: cfg.OpenStack.Domain,
if len(cfg.OpenStack.Project) > 0 {
opts.TenantName = cfg.OpenStack.Project
provider, e := openstack.AuthenticatedClient(opts)
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error authenticating against OpenStack. Error: %v\n", e)
listOpts := projects.ListOpts{
Enabled: gophercloud.Enabled,
authClient, e := openstack.NewIdentityV3(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{})
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error creating the collector client. Error: %v\n", e)
allPages, e := projects.List(authClient, listOpts).AllPages()
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error listing all the pages. Error: %v\n", e)
allProjects, e := projects.ExtractProjects(allPages)
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error listing all the projects. Error: %v\n", e)
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] Querying events engine service for list of known and not terminated floating ips")
resourceType := "floatingip"
eeParams := eeEvent.NewListStatesParams().WithResource(&resourceType).WithRegion(&cfg.OpenStack.Region)
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 300*time.Second)
r, e := reportClient.EventManagement.ListStates(ctx, eeParams)
// Clears the remotelist between runs
remotelist = nil
if e != nil {
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Something went wrong while retrieving the usage from the system, check with the administrator. Error: %v.\n", e)
} else {
remotelist = r.Payload
eeCount := len(remotelist)
apiCount := 0
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] (BEFORE) Existing count of floating IPs at remote [ %v ].\n", len(remotelist))
for _, project := range allProjects {
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] Found project [ %v ] with ID [ %v ]. Proceeding to get list of floating IPs.\n", project.Name, project.ID)
networkClient, e := openstack.NewNetworkV2(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{
Region: cfg.OpenStack.Region,
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error creating network client. Error: %v\n", e)
opts := floatingips.ListOpts{
TenantID: project.ID,
// Filter by project id:
for _, filter := range cfg.ProjectFilters {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(project.ID), strings.ToLower(filter)) && filter != "" {
l.Debug.Printf("[COLLECTION] The Project [ %v ] matches filter [ %v ] and won't be further processed.", project.ID, filter)
continue allProjectsLoop
// Filter by project name:
for _, filter := range cfg.NameFilters {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(project.Name), strings.ToLower(filter)) && filter != "" {
l.Debug.Printf("[COLLECTION] The Project [ %v ] matches filter [ %v ] and won't be further processed.", project.Name, filter)
continue allProjectsLoop
pager := floatingips.List(networkClient, opts)
e = pager.EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) {
ipList, e := floatingips.ExtractFloatingIPs(page)
if e != nil {
l.Error.Printf("[COLLECTION] Error processing the lists of active resources. Error: %+v\n", e)
return false, e
apiCount += len(ipList)
for _, ip := range ipList {
// "ip" will be IP.IP
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] Found floating IP [ %v ] with ID [ %v ]. Parameters: Status [ %v ], Fixed IP [ %v ] and Floating Network ID [ %v ].\n",
ip.FloatingIP, ip.ID, ip.Status, ip.FixedIP, ip.FloatingNetworkID)
// Here comes the transformation of the information retrieved into either
md := make(datamodels.JSONdb)
md["region"] = cfg.OpenStack.Region
md["floatingnetworkid"] = ip.FloatingNetworkID
evTime := int64(time.Now().Unix())
evLast := getStatus(ip.Status)
// events or usage reports to be sent.
event := eeModels.Event{
Account: project.ID,
EventTime: &evTime,
LastEvent: &evLast,
MetaData: md,
Region: cfg.OpenStack.Region,
ResourceID: ip.ID,
ResourceName: ip.FloatingIP,
ResourceType: "floatingip",
//if this object exists in remote list then lets remove it
for i, object := range remotelist {
if strings.Compare(object.Account, project.ID) == 0 &&
strings.Compare(object.ResourceID, ip.ID) == 0 &&
strings.Compare(object.ResourceName, ip.FloatingIP) == 0 {
l.Debug.Printf("[COLLECTION] Event send cleaned from the processing list..\n")
remotelist = append(remotelist[:i], remotelist[i+1:]...)
return true, nil
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] (AFTER) Remaining count of floating IPs at remote which were left unprocessed [ %v ].\n", len(remotelist))
//now for all remaining servers send terminated status
for _, object := range remotelist {
l.Debug.Printf("[COLLECTION] Sending termination for zombie data in the system..\n")
evTime := int64(time.Now().Unix())
evLast := getStatus("terminated")
// events or usage reports to be sent.
event := eeModels.Event{
Account: object.Account,
EventTime: &evTime,
LastEvent: &evLast,
MetaData: object.MetaData,
Region: cfg.OpenStack.Region,
ResourceID: object.ResourceID,
ResourceName: object.ResourceName,
ResourceType: "floatingip",
metricCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total IPs reported by OS API"}).Set(float64(apiCount))
metricCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total IPs from EventEngine"}).Set(float64(eeCount))
metricCount.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Total IPs forcefully TERMINATED"}).Set(float64(len(remotelist)))
metricTime.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": "Collection Processing Time"}).Set(float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-collectionStart) / float64(time.Millisecond))
l.Warning.Printf("[COLLECTION] Completed.\n - OS Report: %v\n - EE Report: %v\n - Forced Termination: %v\n - Processing Time: %v[ms]\n", apiCount, eeCount, len(remotelist), float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-collectionStart)/float64(time.Millisecond))
l.Trace.Printf("[COLLECTION] The collection process has been finished.\n")
// getStatus job is to normalize the event state returned by the collectors.
// Parameters:
// - state: string returned by the system.
// Returns:
// - status: normalized state to be returned.
func getStatus(state string) (status string) {
switch strings.ToUpper(state) {
case "ACTIVE":
status = "active"
status = "active"
status = "active"
case "BUILD":
status = "inactive"
case "CREATING":
status = "active"
case "DELETED":
status = "terminated"
case "DELETING":
status = "terminated"
status = "active"
case "DOWN":
status = "inactive"
case "ERROR":
status = "error"
status = "error"
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
case "IN-USE":
status = "active"
status = "active"
case "PAUSED":
status = "inactive"
case "RESCUED":
status = "active"
case "RESIZE":
status = "active"
case "RESIZED":
status = "active"
case "RESERVED":
status = "active"
case "RETYPING":
status = "inactive"
case "SHUTOFF":
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
case "STOPPED":
status = "inactive"
status = "inactive"
status = "terminated"
status = "active"
l.Trace.Printf("[REPORT] State received from the system [ %v ] normalized to [ %v ]", state, status)
return status